6 Expert Tips for First-Time Dog Owners

When your family has grown by four furry paws for the first time, it can feel overwhelming. What toys do you need? What food brand is the best? What vet should you use? How do you get your dog to behave like your friend’s dog does? You don’t always know what’s coming or what to expect. While you may have a few stumbles here and there, many people have been in your shoes before and can give you great advice.

It’s a huge responsibility to get a dog and it’s important to remember to keep your pet healthy and safe. Our expert dog trainers in Indianapolis offer you our top 6 tips on how to be the best first-time dog owner around.

Think Proactively

When you decide you might want a dog, decide if you can handle the responsibilities that come with owning a dog. Do you have the time and energy to be potty training and doing obedience training? If not, can you provide your dog classes for training?

Do Your Research

Before even getting a dog, research into dogs that match your lifestyle. If you live in a tiny studio apartment, a Husky or Australian Shepherd might not be for you. If you’re not prepared to go for really long walks every day, a Border Collie or a Beagle might not fit your lifestyle.

Your dog-owner friends can also make an awesome resource for your research. Ask about the best places to go with your dog near you. Ask about local Veterinarians. Ask for recommendations for dog walkers and dog sitters.

Know Your Dog’s Basic Needs & How To Meet Them

Learning about basic dog care and how to meet your dog’s essential needs should be you next step. Proper nutrition, common health problems within your chosen breed, when to schedule preventative vet care, your dog’s grooming needs, how much exercise your dog needs are all things to take into consideration.

A healthy, balanced diet is the fundamental basis for your dog’s care. With so many choices on the market, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, we have an on-site dog nutritionist available for consult. As you feed your dog, pay attention to their reaction to the food. Are they as active as they were? Has their weight dropped quickly? Do they throw up more? Some signs may signal you need to change their food.

Grooming is also an important piece of dog ownership that some people forget about. Will you be doing the grooming yourself or will you be taking your dog to a professional? For some breeds, like beagles and boxers, grooming is quick and easy. A simple bath, a nail trim, an ear cleaning and they’re good to go. Other breeds, such as poodles or huskies, might need a little more maintenance. Find the grooming schedule that works for you and stick with it.

Prepare Your Home

Just like we baby-proof our homes before children arrive, you should pet-proof your home before your dog comes. Put trash cans behind doors or add lids that are hard to get into, pick cords up off the ground, fix doors that are easily opened without turning the doorknob, and create a safe space for your dog to hang out.

Your dog’s space should have a kennel, crate, or bed that they can retreat to for a little downtime when they get overwhelmed.

Make Some Key Purchases

Buying supplies is a huge step in prepping to bringing home your puppy. Try to get all of these supplies before your pup gets home you don’t have to be worried about not having what they need. Here are a few things you’ll need:

  • Leash
  • Collar and ID tag
  • Dog food
  • Dog toys
  • Bedding and crate
  • Stainless steel food and water bowls
  • Package of disposable doggy waste bags

Invest in Training

For first-time dog owners, obedience training can be incredibly overwhelming. Where do you start? How do you know what to teach? When you rely on professional dog trainers in Indianapolis, you can watch your dog make great strides in their obedience, feel your confidence as a dog owner grow, and bond with your new dog.

Are you ready to get started training your new dog? Contact Sit Means Sit today!