Heatstroke in Dogs

Like humans, dogs can suffer from heatstroke – which is no joke and can develop much quicker than you’d think. To help Fido stay safe in the summer heat, read up what you can do to prevent, look out for, and do to help your dog when it comes to heatstroke.

Symptoms to Look Out For

A pup who is having a heatstroke may show many of these symptoms, but every dog is different – so no matter the symptoms if you think something is wrong with your pooch, take all the necessary actions needed to ensure they’re health is a priority.

Common symptoms include:

  • Excessive panting and drooling
  • Visibly signs of discomfort
  • May be unable or unwilling to move around
  • Reddening gums
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of consciousness/collapsing
  • Stumbling/uncoordinated movement

How Does Heatstroke Happen?

Heatstroke can happen anytime there are high temperatures, but the most common reason it occurs to dogs is when they’re left in cars, aren’t given enough water, or are deprived of any shade for long periods of time.

Some furry friends are more prone to heatstroke than others due to weight issues, being elderly, or are brachycephalic (dogs like pugs, bulldogs, French bulldogs, etc.). Pup’s with a lot of fur or who were bred for colder temperatures should also have an eye kept on them.

Preventing Heatstroke

Being proactive is the best way to help your pooch avoid the dangers of heatstroke.

  • If you fear it’s too hot and humid, play it safe only allow Fido outside when necessary.
  • Or if you do want to go out, ensure you have plenty of water and will be covered by plenty of shade.
  • When in the car, ensure your furry friend’s crate is near an AC vent and that they have plenty of ventilation.

What to Do if it Happens

If you fear your dog is suffering from heatstroke, you need to remove them from the hot environment into a cool one immediately. Do not give them any aspirin, and if they have become unconscious refrain from giving them water. Here’s what to do instead:

  • Either put your dog in the tub or find a nearby hose (ensuring all the hot water is gone before gently spraying your pooch. If neither is available place a towel or cloth on your dog and continuously pour water on it.
  • Keep Fido’s head elevated while spraying or soaking them in cold water to avoid aspiration pneumonia
  • Call your emergency vet or a local animal clinic and notify them you are heading their way – they’ll inform you other necessary steps to take.

Pretty much you want to try to keep your canine as cool as possible until you can get them to professional help.

Heatstroke can be extremely scary; you love your furry friend and would hate to see them in any discomfort or pain. Staying proactive about your canine companion’s health in the heat will help you avoid this, keeping summer fun and not scary.