Safe Ways to Exercise Your Dog in the Summer

Summer is the season where we love to spend time with our dogs outside enjoying the sun and warm weather. Our dogs love it too! They love being active and of course getting to be around you! But one thing we have to be aware of in the summer is the heat. No matter how much our dog wants to play outside, sometimes we have to tell them no. When temperatures are at the hottest, our dogs are at risk for overheating, especially when they’re exercising. Of course our pup still needs to get the proper amount of exercise and playtime. But we may need to alter some of their routines. Here are some ways to exercise safely with your dog in the summertime!

Water Exercise

One way to keep your dog cool, but still get them burning some energy is to take them to the water. You can do this by grabbing a kiddie pool from the store and filling it up with your hose. This is a great way for them to run around and play while still staying cooled off. You can also use your sprinkler and a hose. If you have kids, get them involved in this too. If you want to go out out of your yard, head to a lake or pond that is safe. You can walk for a little and then let your dog cool off by jumping in and swimming around a little in the water. Just be sure you’re confident in your dog’s swimming abilities and always keep an eye on them.

Indoor Walks

If you have a dog friendly store or outdoor mall in your area, head there for a day trip adventure. Walking your dog around stores that are air conditioned will entertain them and tire them out. It is also great if you need to run some errands and want to bring your dog along for the ride. It will cool them off and be a nice change from other exercise. Remember that your dog should be well behaved and be able to handle lots of people in the stores.

Indoor Games

Sometimes it may just be too hot to be outside- for you and your dog! When this is the case, it is best to find ways to have fun inside. One game is hide and seek with treats. Hide treats around the room and tell your furry friend to find them! Once your dog gets good at it, start making it more difficult by putting them under cups or pillows. If you have a large open space like a basement you can play fetch or other indoor games. Tug of war is another fun game that will tire them out, but the air conditioning will keep them cool.

Change the Time/Length of Workouts

In the mild seasons of spring and fall, you can be outside with your pup for hours without ever wanting to go inside. However, in the summer we can’t always go for our walks or workouts with our dogs whenever we please. With temperatures up to 100 some days, we need to do some planning for our pup’s exercise. Try to change your walk time to early morning or later in the evening. This helps you avoid peak temperatures and makes the walk more enjoyable for your and your dog. If you can’t do this, you may need to cut back on the length of your walks. Instead of going on two 20 minutes walks, try going on multiple, shorter walks. This will allow your dog to recover and get hydrated in between.

Remember to always provide your dog with lots of fresh, cool water when you’re outside. Give them shade and always keep a watchful eye. Happy summer and stay safe!