Dog Safe Ice Melt

Dog Safe Ice Melt 2020

Winter in New Hampshire brings some of the most beautiful landscapes, but with it comes the inevitable snowy driveway and icy sidewalk. The easiest way to rid yourself of this nuisance is by applying ice melt. As pet owners, we need to keep in mind that not all ice melt products are created equal. Some brands contain ingredients that are harmful and toxic to animals.

What’s the Difference Between Regular and Pet Friendly Ice Melt?

If you have a dog, you should always use ice melt labeled pet friendly. Standard ice melts use ingredients like rock salt, which can damage your dog’s feet and cause digestion issues if ingested. Some even use ethylene glycol, which is extremely toxic.

When searching for a pet friendly option, look for the ingredients propylene glycol, urea, or magnesium chloride. All are considered safe, however, we still don’t recommend letting your dog ingest them. Below are a few ice melt options that are safe for your furry friend.

Branch Creek Ice Melt

This non-toxic ice melt is great for pets, children, and even plants. It starts working in about 30 seconds, melting ice in temperatures below 0 degrees Fahrenheit. It is also less likely to damage surfaces due to a neutral ph. Buy Branch Creek Ice Melt on Amazon

Green Gobbler Pet Safe Ice Melt

This ice melt can melt twice as much ice as the traditional rock salt melt, plus it’s pet friendly! The rounded pellets also make it more comfortable to walk on. This melt starts working instantly in temperature as low as -10 degrees Fahrenheit. Buy Green Gobbler Ice Melt on Amazon

Harris Harris Safe Melt Ice Melter

The Safe Melt Ice Melter is made of 100% magnesium chloride, which means there is no rock salt that can cut or irritate your dog’s paws. It’s also eco-friendly and works well on concrete in temperatures as low as -13 degrees Fahrenheit. Buy Safe Melt on Amazon

Safe Paw Ice Melter

Safe Paw is a guaranteed non-toxic ice melt that’s safe for both pets and kids. It also treats a larger surface area than a traditional rock salt melt. Its unique time release formula works for up to 3 days so you don’t need to re-apply every day. Buy Safe Paw Ice Melt on Amazon

Staying Safe on Walks

Remember! Even though these products are considered pet safe we still recommend avoiding walking on ice melt as much as possible. Dog booties are a great option if you want to avoid contact all together. They help insulate the feet while keeping salt out of the pads.

After a walk, always make sure to wipe your dog’s paws with a warm wash cloth or Paw Wipe to remove any ice or salt buildup.