How Much Does it Cost to Own a Dog in 2022

How Much Does it Cost to Own a Dog in 2022

Pet ownership has surged since the pandemic, but how much does it really cost in 2022 to own a dog? There are a lot of hidden costs to having a canine companion that people may not consider, but it’s important to know before taking on the responsibility of ownership. Although waking up to that furry and cuddly creature every day is reward enough, you still should be aware of what costs lie ahead of you if you choose to get a pup. Here’s a list of what you can expect to pay to own a dog in 2022!

Acquisition Cost

“Free Dog”

There is never really a pet that is “free” because you have to ensure they have the proper veterinary care and supplies upon their arrival in your home. When first getting a dog to your home, especially if you don’t know where they came from, you want to get them a check-up ASAP. This usually will include any vaccinations, spayed/neutering, or medicine they need.


Adoption costs vary by shelter and animal, but usually, costs can range from $0-$250, Around $100-$150 is the average price of adoptions though you are most likely paying the off-costs of their sheltering, previous medical treatment, and food. P.S. you save a ton of money adopting as almost all shelters provide care for costly procedures and medical care.


Breeders almost always make their own prices, so the range of cost can vary tremendously, around $200-$10,000. The more popular a breed is, the higher the cost likely is. A dog’s bloodline is also a big indicator of how expensive the pooch will be.

Dog Supplies & Costs

Dogs need some key essentials to survive and flourish, but the cost only ranges from around $50-$600. Of course, the cost can vary depending on the breed, area you live, and the quality of products. But generally, you should expect to pay for:

  • Teeth cleaning
  • Bed
  • Grooming
  • Crate
  • Leash
  • Toy(s)
  • Food/Water bowls
  • Carrier
  • Food

Healthcare Costs

Healthcare costs range from $500-$2,000 a year depending on age, breed, conditions, etc. Younger dogs typically cost less than older ones as they have not yet developed any conditions caused by age that can be pricey. But, it’s important to consider things like vaccinations, checkups, dental care (if necessary), medical treatments (e.g. parasites or virus), regular medicine (e.g. allergies or anxiety), long-term ongoing conditions, or insurance (emergencies can be accounted for in this category of cost).

Other Costs

Other costs ($25-$200) may also vary depending on the owner, but this category can include new toys, activity gear (e.g. swimming, hiking, weather-based, etc.), treats, etc.

Generally, the total to own a dog per year can range from $500-$2,000. These costs fluctuate yearly and are circumstantial, but budgeting for this variance is a great way to ensure you have the means to take care of this furry member of your family!