Why Isn’t My Dog Eating Out of Their Food Bowl?

If your pup has stopped eating out of its bowl, there could be a variety of causes. Below are some possibilities.

Change In Food

If you have recently changed your pal’s food, this may have caused the refusal to eat from the bowl. It may be the flavor, texture, or an upset tummy. Even if your furry friend likes the taste of the food, a switch can cause an upset tummy. You should gradually mix the new and old food to get you to pal adjusted. If your pal is still refusing to eat after a few days, then consider changing food again. But, you should consult your vet before changing foods.

New Bowl or Mat

Dogs can be picky, so if you have gotten a new bowl or for food mat, your pup may be objecting to it. It may take time for them to get used to the change. So, you can try feeding your pal next to the mat and gradually moving closer to it. Make sure to pick a bowl that is right for your pal.


Moving the bowl to a new feeding location may also be the reason your companion has stopped eating from the bowl. Maybe the location is less private, or in a noisy area, or an area of the house. they don’t like. Try moving a bowl back to the original area or a different area and see if that helps your pal return to eating.

Dirty Bowl

The bowl may simply need to be washed. It may have old food or water on it that has a smell they don’t like. You should regularly wash and sanitize the dish to keep your pal happy and healthy.

Make sure that your companion’s feeding area is free of clutter and clean. Have patience with your furry friend. If they aren’t interested in eating, try again or even put a few treats in the bowl to get their interest. Keeping our four-legged friends happy and healthy is the most important thing we can do for them. Making sure they are eating regular and balanced meals is just one way to do so.