Do Dogs Smile Like Humans?

Do Dogs Smile Like Humans?

We love thinking that our dogs are smiling back at us when we give them a toothy grin, but are our dogs’ upturned mouths actually a sign of happiness? Read on to learn more about how dogs express their happiness!

You Could Be Projecting

Although it’s a tough reality to face, our dogs are usually not smiling at us when their mouths turn upwards in that adorable way. You might actually just be anthropomorphizing, or projecting your human emotions onto your dog. This is totally normal in dog owners, so don’t be embarrassed or alarmed. It’s just human nature! When we’re happy, we interpret stimuli in our environment as aligning with our happy mood. The same concept is true when you’re sad, too. So don’t read too far into your dog’s “smiling.” It could just be you!

So Why Are They Smiling?

While it’s possible that we’re projecting our emotions, we also might have some control over when and how frequently our dogs smile. Dogs are complicated social creatures who are extremely adept at reading our signals. When we react positively to their funny faces and “smiles” by giving them treats, petting them, or clapping, dogs learn to continue the behavior that elicits those responses. That means more dog smiles! They may not be smiling in the sense that we smile, but you have to admit — it is pretty cute that they smile to make us smile. Just one more reason that we don’t deserve dogs.

Other Ways Dogs Express Happiness

Dogs generally use other forms of body language to express themselves, so you should look for these cues instead of a smile to know that they’re happy. Some signs of a happy pupper include tail wagging, jumping, and licking. Humans react positively to these signs as well, so this can serve as further reinforcement for your dog’s positive body language. Over time, you’ll be able to read your dog’s body language almost as well as they can read ours. With some patience and understanding, you’ll get to know your dog’s unique signals better and your bond will strengthen.

Our dogs may not actually be smiling at us in the way that we would like, but they still look adorable! Look out for other signs of your dog’s mood to better understand how they’re feeling and what you can do to keep them happy.