Why Do Dogs Run In Their Sleep?

Why Do Dogs Run In Their Sleep?

As a dog parent, there’s a very high chance you’ve observed them run in their sleep. You’re probably curious about what causes the sleeping legs and more. Well, wonder no more! We are going to outline the underlying behavior of sleep running and a few other sleep behaviors.

Running and Other Behaviors

Dogs often run, twitch, bark, or all 3 in their sleep. This means that they are dreaming. Dog brains are similarly structured to human brains, meaning they go through similar electrical patterns during the sleep cycle. This means dogs also go through the REM cycle.

Sleep Position

You may wonder why your dog curls in a ball when they lie down or sleep. This behavior has been known as an evolutionary holdover from their ancestors. Wolves and wild dogs curl up to protect their vulnerable organs from attack. Dogs that sleep on their backs are typically easy-going, well-socialized, and a far cry from their ancestors. Only 5-10% of dogs are comfortable sleeping on their back.

Digging and Circles

Another behavior is when dogs scratch the floor and turn in circles before lying down. This goes back to the instinct that compels dogs to curl up when they sleep. Their ancestors would dig in the ground to soften it and create a nest to lie in, and this offered protection.


Most dogs can be heard snoring, often some more than others. Dogs snore for the same reason as humans, airway obstruction. Snoring is not often a problem to be concerned about. A dog that snores a lot while sleeping often has difficulty breathing while awake. This could have serious repercussions on their health because dogs rely on breathing rapidly to regulate their body temperature. If you have a chronic snorer, you should consult your vet to determine the cause.

Dogs sleep multiple times and for hours around the day. Observe them from time-to-time to see if you notice any of these behaviors.