Encouraging Your Dog to Play

Playing is a super important aspect of a dog’s formation and a big aspect of why we get dogs. A dog’s life (and your own) will be greatly improved if your dog loves to play. But some dogs are just not natural players. Luckily there are many things you can do to encourage your dog to play and in turn increase their overall quality of life.

Why is Play Important?

There are so many reasons why your dog needs to play. They stay active, which keeps them healthy and in shape. It also exercises their brain, which is important to staying sharp and solving problems. It gets out any pent up energy that could lead to inappropriate behaviors. Lastly, when you play with your dog it strengthens your bond and improves your relationship. A dog that isn’t playing is missing out on a lot of important experiences.

Find What Your Dog Likes

The first step is to figure out what your dog likes and what makes them happy. It may be petting, food, the feeling of a texture (carpet, cold tile), or something else. Also observe what time of day your dog is happiest and has the most energy. It could be early or the afternoon, but figure out what they like best. Then use the info and incorporate playtime into it. If your dog loves food and has the most energy in the morning, try playing with small treats first thing in the A.M.

Buy Toys They Like

Using this info you now have, buy toys that you know your dog will like. If they like ice cubes or cold surfaces, invest in some toys that can be frozen. If food is their thing, get a toy that has food in it or is a challenge to get out. Take note of other things your dog likes, such as petting, and incorporate that as well.

Keep Toys Away

When it is playtime, take out the toys you are using. Keep them out of your dog’s reach when you are not playing. This will teach your dog that they are a special toy they can only use when they are playing with you. Hopefully this will encourage play more!

Try Something New

It is important to keep new toys rotating and trying new things. If your dog seems to be losing interest, find a new toy to try. Have a bunch of toys on hand that you can try. They may get bored after a week or a month, but it is key to always have new items. You should also try to have a variety of toys to find out what type your dog loves the most!

Put Down The Toys!

You don’t always have to play with toys! You can also just play games with your dog that don’t involve a toy, such as light wrestling or hide and seek. Your dog might love you more than any toy, so incorporate yourself into the playing!

No matter what you are doing, be creative! Think outside the box. Playtime doesn’t have to be a specific routine or what other people have done before. Focus on finding what your dog likes and do that! Good luck!