Home Grooming Tips for Your Dog

Grooming is obviously a very significant part of taking care of your dog and their health. However, grooming does more than just keep your dog clean. It also improves the bond between you and your pup. When you take the time to groom your furry friend, you becoming closer in your relationship and you also become more aware of their body. All of these aspects help you to be more attentive to your pup’s needs and notice any unusual changes. Grooming can be frustrating, but it can also be fun with some practice. Here are tips for grooming your dog at home!


As a general rule, you only need to bath your pup every two weeks to four months. The exception would be if they got extremely dirty or smell in something out of the ordinary. If you bathe more than every 2 weeks, their skin will dry out and the natural oils will be stripped. The first step in bathing is to get a good, dog friendly shampoo, not just a human shampoo. Depending on your dog’s size, the tub, a sink, or an inflatable pool are all good options for bathing. Place a bath mat or towel in the place your bathing and get started! Lather your dog’s coat and rinse well so there is not residue on your pup. Try your best to only get the shampoo on their coat and avoid ears, eyes, and mouth.


Brushing is important because it removes dead hair and skin, distributes their natural oils, and stimulates the skin. A good rule of thumb for brushing is every couple days. This should be part of your routine. You’ll need to get a good brush that is right for your dog’s breed. There are brushes that are general-purpose and there are also one’s that specifically are made to remove the dead coat or hair mats. Choose the best one for your needs and let your dog see and smell it. Then get to brushing!  While you brush your dog, reward them with treats and praise. Start with just a small amount of time and then build up to longer sessions.

Feet and Nails

Feet are often a grooming section that gets forgotten about. However, it is key to keeping any ice, salt, rocks, or other painful debris from getting in their feet. To groom feet, use a scissors to trim the hair growing on top of your dog’s foot and around the paw pads. The hair should be level with the paw pads. Nails are another important grooming aspect because too long of nails can affect their walking or cause broken toes. You should clip your dog’s nails once every two week. A good indication you need to trim is if you can hear them click on the floor.

The first step is to get a nail clipper made for pets. Start off slowly and let your dog become familiar with the clipper and the sounds it makes. You may be only able to get a few toes done at one time in the beginning, but if you reward your dog, they will begin to enjoy it. When you do actually start clipping, make sure you get the tip and do not clip the quick (the pink area you can see through the nail.) Keep some styptic powder around in case you do hit the area. It will stop the bleeding.


Keeping your dog’s ears clean is very important to their health. It prevents ear infections and allows you to check for ticks and fleas. You should clean your dog’s ears about once a week. Start by taking a cotton ball with ear cleaning solution and wipe the inside of the ear. Don’t push further than your finger goes and don’t use Q-tips, since this can cause an ear injury. This is also a good time to observe your dog and see if there are any bad smells or discharge. If so, let your vet know.


Just like humans, oral health is extremely important. If you don’t take care of your dog’s teeth, it could lead to cavities, gum disease, tartar buildup, and other issues. It is better to be proactive and take care these things now. It is good to clean your dog’s teeth 2-3 times a week. If you have never brushed your dog’s teeth, start with gauze wrapped around your finger and rubbing their gums to get them used to the feeling. Then move on to a toothbrush made for dogs, which usually is angled for optimal brushing. Use a toothpaste for dogs, baking soda, or water, but do not use human toothpaste.

While the thought of all of these grooming activities can be overwhelming, it can definitely be done. Just remember that not only will it keep your dog healthy, but it will also make you closer than ever. Happy grooming!