Can Dogs Eat Wheat?

Can Dogs Eat Wheat?

With kibble that advertises itself as being grain or wheat-free, you might be wondering as a pet parent if wheat is safe for your furry friend to eat. To help put your mind at ease, we have the answers you’re looking for.

Is Wheat Safe for Dogs?

If your pup doesn’t have a wheat allergy, then, yes, wheat is safe for them to consume. However, wheat allergies develop in dogs after continued exposure overtime to wheat. Meaning that if their food contains wheat, it may not cause them issues in the beginning, but they might end up developing an allergy later on down the road.

Is All Wheat the Same?

A common misconception is that all grains can cause these types of allergies, but that’s actually not the case. The top five most popular ingredients that a dog can develop allergies to are beef, dairy, wheat, chicken, and eggs.

How You Can Tell if Fido is Allergic to Wheat

If your canine companion is eating a food that’s formula contains wheat, and they’re perfectly healthy, then you can breathe easy knowing that wheat is currently safe for them. However, if Fido frequently experiences:

  • Ear infections
  • Skin irritation
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

You’ll then want to schedule a visit with their vet because you might have a wheat issue on your hands.

Does My Dog Need Wheat?

Wheat is actually not an important part of your pup’s diet, and they can live happily and healthily without it. It would be best if you weren’t feeding your pup bread as a regular treat, but a bite here and there won’t do them any harm.

In short, dog food formulas that don’t contain wheat are just as healthy for your canine to eat. So, if you want to avoid the stress completely, you can always switch your canine over to wheat-free food before they start showing any symptoms of irritation.