Does My Dog Think I'm Funny?

Does My Dog Think I’m Funny?

Dogs are silly and adorable fuzzballs, but do we make them laugh as they do to us? Funny enough, dogs actually can laugh! Obviously, it doesn’t sound the same as a human’s laugh, but when dogs make that forced breathy sound (that isn’t panting), they’re laughing! This usually happens in times they’re happy like during playtime, similar to how young children interact with laughter.

What’s Funny?

Unlike humans, dogs can’t just tell a joke and crack up in laughter. So what do they find funny? Dogs tend to laugh when they’re doing things that make them happy, like spending time playing with you! It’s their way of showing they’re in a good mood and wanting to play. Dogs often laugh the most around their owners because they know them the best and have good relationships with them. Author Konrad Lorez explains that laughter on a dog can be seen when their lips are loose and curled on the ends, kind of like when they’re smiling!

History of a Dog’s Laugh

Studying dogs’ laughs and sense of humor dates back to work done by Charles Darwin. Studies done comparing canine and human behavior discovered a sense of humor and playfulness was common among dogs and they even sometimes tried to play tricks on their humans as a joke. So don’t be surprised when your dog catches on to your joke of pretending to throw a ball during fetch.

Funnier Breeds?

Any dog that has an owner that loves to be playful with them is bound to be more prone to laughter, but there are some breeds that are said to have a better sense of humor. Dog breeds that are the most playful are supposedly the funniest and happy-go-lucky dogs! Playful dogs are those who love to interact with others, play with toys, and are at their best when on the go. Dog breeds like Poodles, Golden Retrievers, and English Springer Spaniels have the best sense of humor! Dogs that are known for working tend to be more serious in nature and don’t have the same sense of humor as these playful pooches.