Social & Health Benefits of Dog Ownership

Social & Health Benefits of Dog Ownership

Adopting a dog not only comes with responsibility and unconditional love, but much more. The benefits of dog ownership and infinite, but we picked out a few to focus on in this article.

Love and Happiness

The love of a dog is unique and unconditional. Just spending time with a dog can increase levels of dopamine, boosting our mood. Looking into a dog’s eyes can raise levels of oxytocin, or the feeling of love.

Meet New People

According to a Harvard study, pet parents are 60% more likely to get to know people in their neighborhood than non-pet parents. Dog parents are more likely to be out and about walking their dogs, running into each other.

Increase Attractiveness

There have been many surveys conducted that have found both men and women find dog owners and animal lovers to be more attractive. This study from 2015 even found “pet owners are perceived to have positive character traits.”

Get Dates

So dogs help us meet new people and help us be more attractive. That’s a formula for increased dates. From in person meetings to online profiles, dogs spark conversation where there might otherwise have been a struggle for conversation. There are even dating apps for dog lovers now!

Motivate for Exercise

Whether you’re taking daily walks or just getting off the couch multiple times a day to let your dog outside, dogs almost force us to get up and move. They all need some time of exercise, even if it’s as simple as a game of fetch you’re moving more than you would if you were just sitting on the couch watching television. If you have an active lifestyle and enjoy tracking your own activities with a smart watch, consider getting a tracker for your dog as well. Compare your stats to your pooch’s and see if you can reach goals together!

Relieve Stress and Support Heart Health

The American Heart Association has found that “reactivity to stress was lowest and recovery fastest in couples tested when their pet was present.” Dogs help us reduce stress, it’s one of the reasons therapy dogs are so popular. They also found found that dog owners tend to have lower blood pressure than those without dogs. This is more than likely linked to their need for exercise, but definitely an added benefit of having a dog around.

Keep Us Safe

Domesticating dogs originated for hunting and protection. Nowadays, protection can mean more than just a body guard against attackers and intruders. Some can sniff out allergens, drugs, and cancers; others smell the oncoming of seizures, narcolepsy, low blood sugar, and panic attacks.

Support Aging

All of the benefits listed above are even more helpful for the elderly. As we age, our lives present new challenges. Dogs can even provide companionship as these lifestyle changes occur, particularly in dementia or Alzheimer’s patients. These people tend to be lonely, irritable, depressed, and anxious. It’s a lot harder to be those things when there’s a fluff-ball giving some kisses.

Being a dog owner increases our physical and psychological well-being. The love we experience with a dog is like none other. Everyday they give us a sense of purpose and meaning. If you find yourself bored or needing motivation, consider borrowing a friend’s dog to see if it’s something you can handle and would benefit your life.