Why Do Dogs Howl?

Why Do Dogs Howl?

Does your dog randomly howl at things they see on a walk or while you’re doing an everyday task? You may have wondered why exactly they howl and what it means? Does it come from dogs’ ancestry of wolves or is it just another form of communication for them? Read on to find out just why your pooch may have taken a liking to howling.

Why Is My Dog Howling?

Every dog is unique, so not all style of communication is the same. Howling is a vocalization for dogs, just like whining or barking. Howling comes as a natural instinct for dogs due to their descent from wolves. Wolves, historically, howl to locate or alert their packs, which is a trait that has been passed down to domesticated dogs. Some characteristics seen in wolves aren’t present in dogs as they’ve adapted to humans over the years, but howling is a sure link to their past ancestors.

Dogs commonly howl when:

  • Making eye contact with other animals or humans
  • Distressed
  • Warning off predators
  • Trying to attract attention
  • Hearing a high pitched noise
  • Experiencing pain or discomfort
  • Feeling the effects of separation anxiety

Should You Be Concerned?

Most howling isn’t a cause for concern, as it is a natural way of communication for dogs. But howling when a dog is experiencing pain or separation anxiety should be taken seriously to help ease discomfort. Here’s a rundown on why dogs choose to howl and what it means:

To Get Attention & Alerting

Dogs howl when trying to alert others in their surrounding. Howling gets attention quickly and alerts an owner that something may be wrong. Some dogs may use howling as a defense mechanism to ward off predators, like a home intruder in the yard.

High-Pitched Sounds

Dogs’ senses are very keen so they are sensitive to different frequencies of noise. A high-pitched noise like a whistle or alarm may cause them to howl. Howling is a perfectly normal response to a high-pitched sound.

Signal Pain & Discomfort

Dogs may howl to signal they’re in pain. This may be an injury you can physically see or be a response to a discomfort they’re feeling because of an illness. If your dog starts howling frequently and seemingly out of nowhere, take them to a vet to check and make sure nothing serious is causing the howling.

Separation Anxiety

Many dogs face separation anxiety, especially if you spend a lot of time at home with your pooch. When you’re away, your dog may feel extremely anxious and uncomfortable without your presence. Dogs tend to howl when having anxiety as a way to call to their ‘pack’ (owners) to come home.

Frequent Howler?

Some dogs are more prone to howling than others. This can be because of circumstance (separation anxiety), frequent triggers (living by a busy highway), their breed, etc. Dog breeds such as German Shepherds, Huskies, Beagles, and other hounds are naturally born howlers, so be prepared to hear howls at more than just the moon.