Common Fears And Phobias In Dogs

Common Fears And Phobias In Dogs

With summer approaching, there are many activities and festivals coming up that will trigger some fears in dogs. As dog owners, there are plenty of things you can do help canines handle their fears and phobias. Let’s understand some of the most common dog phobias and some ways to relieve them.

1. Situational Phobias

The most common is separation anxiety. Canines with this problem typically show signs of destructive behaviors like relieving themselves in odd places, barking, or chewing up items.

2. Sound or Noise Phobias

Many canines suffer from the fear of loud sounds such as thunderstorms and firecrackers. Scientist claim that sound phobias pass through genetics, for example herding breeds are more sensitive to sound.

3. Blood Injection Phobias

This phobia is often suffered by humans as well. Some dogs don’t realize that the vet is actually in their favor. Many things surrounding these visits, such as sick animals, new locations, and feeling sick can convert this fear into a phobia.

4. Fear of Riding

Many dogs have a fear of riding because of the lack of early socialization or bad experiences with traveling in the car. This fear can be handled simply by using praise and treats as rewards.

5. Fear of Unknown Persons

Canines develop a strong fear of strangers after bad experiences. Rescued canines from bad homes have had such traumatic experiences that every movement can scare them. They often have reactive behavior.

6. Fear of Children

There are plenty of reasons that dogs develop a fear of children. One reason is lack of socialization training early, often people own a dog before having a child. Sometimes children’s affection can as well be misread as a threat by dogs. If this happens often, contact a local dog behaviorist.

7. Fear of Men

Dogs are often afraid of men, due to abuse at home or lack of socialization in some cases. Dogs may bite, snap, or growl at someone because of this fear.

8. Fear of Thunder

Astraphobia is a fear of thunder, which is common in dogs. Canines typically tremble, and in some cases tuck their tails and flatten their ears. In some cases canines lose control of their bladder or bowels. Some canines are capable to smell a storm before, which dog parents often say they can see as a fear in their pet. One way to combat this fear is the ThunderShirt for Dogs.

9. Fear of Objects

Many canines develop a fear of objects such as: a child’s toy or vacuum cleaner. This fear can become serious, to the point that your dog will refuse to walk near. If this happens, talk to your vet and see how to handle this fear.

10. Fear of Going Up or Down Stairs

A canine owner may not know about this fear until their dog stops nearing a flight of steps. This fear can occur due to insufficient training or improper socialization. Some dogs conquer this fear by playing games involving climbing stairs.

11. Fear of the Veterinarian

This fear is not rare nor a surprise. A canine’s first visit to the vet involves many vaccinations, smells, and much more. This fear can be handled by visiting the vet socially from time to time.

These fears can be overcome by vet visits, behavior modifications, and in rare cases medications. However every canine is special and what may work for one dog may not work for the next.