Tips for Housetraining Your Puppy

Tips for Housetraining Your Puppy

So you’ve got a puppy, this is an exciting time full of cuddles, bursts of energy, and teaching them to use the bathroom outside. Housebreaking is a massive part of training your new furball and won’t happen overnight. To help make this process a bit easier though, here are some tips and guidelines to follow!

You’ll Need a Suitable Crate

Confinement is one of the most successful ways to housetrain your furry friend. This teaches your pup that they need to wait until they’re outside to go potty. A crate is an excellent way to do this because it gives them enough room to be comfortable but not enough for them to comfortably do their business.

This applies to the rest of your house as well. You want to introduce your canine companion slowly to the rest of your home, so they don’t assume anywhere is acceptable to relieve themselves –  it also allows you to keep an eye on them more easily, so if they do start to do their business, you can intervene.

Know the 15-Minute Rule

After eating, drinking, playing, or sleeping – your pupster will most likely need to go to the restroom within the next 15 minutes.

After eating and drinking, that new substances taken tend to encourage other substances to be removed.

After playing your furry friend may be so excited, they need to relieve themselves – or exercised enough that it sped up their digestive process.

Finally, after any kind of sleep, your little dog has probably been holding in their need to go to the bathroom and will want to relieve themselves promptly.

Another good rule to stick by is how many months old your puppy is, and then add 1 – that’s how the longest they can probably hold in their pee. For example – if your pup is two months old they can probably wait up to 3 hours before needing to be taken outside, but that’s the max, you’ll want to try to take them out a bit before that if possible. 

Reward Fido’s Triumphs

When it’s time to take your furball of fun outside if they’re able to use the bathroom within the first 5 minutes reward and praise them for this positive behavior. Once back inside be sure you don’t immediately take them to their crate – this could make them believe what they did was actually a punishment instead of a job well done.

Instead, have a bit of play time with Fido – giving them attention for at least 10 minutes to once again reinforce that good behavior.

On the flip side though, if your pup doesn’t use the bathroom outside, calmly take them back to their crate – again you don’t want them to think their being punished. Then wait 15 minutes or so and try again.

Be Understanding When Your Pup Has An Accident

Accidents happen, your pup isn’t relieving themselves to upset you they just haven’t learned yet – and that’s okay, this can take time. Don’t punish your canine or rub their nose in their accident, this is just cruel and will make your dog think that going to the bathroom, in general, is frightening,

Instead, when you catch your puppy having an accident inside, quickly take them outside.

When cleaning up the potty spot your pup made, try using enzymatic cleaners – this will help remove the smell of the accident, so they don’t try to go in that spot again.

Most importantly, you have to remember to be patient. This will take time and repetitive actions so your furry friend will start to understand the schedule and pattern you’re trying to teach them. They won’t be a puppy forever either – so try to cherish this time while you can before they grow up far too quickly.