Can Dog Owners Survive with Carpet?

Can Dog Owners Survive with Carpet?

One of the more important decisions you’ll make as a dog owner will involve flooring. Many pet parents worry about their plush carpet getting dirty. Luckily, there are ways to keep your carpets clean even with the messiest of pets. We have created a guide to help you stay sane with your home carpet and your beloved four-legged friend.

Advantages of Carpet for Dogs

Unlike hard surfaces, dogs won’t slip and slide on carpet, especially puppies who have not found their balance yet. Moreover, carpet does not accumulate scratches and scuff marks, like hardwood floors would. With carpet, there’s no more worrying about your pets’ paws and claws. Carpet is also noise-muffling, which is great in upstairs rooms or apartments.

Types of Carpeting for Homes With Dogs

  • Material that repels spills. Whether that be your a coffee or wine spill from a tail sweep or an accident.
  • Superior stain resistance.
  • A carpet that stands up to heavy traffic and wear-and-tear.
  • A good warranty, just in case.

Once you find the perfect carpet, invest in a regular carpet cleaning service such as Stanley Steemer to prevent long-term wear-and-tear. The longer you wait to clean stains or spots, the more likely your carpet is beyond repair.

How to Keep Carpets Clean With Dogs

You’ll never keep all mud and dirt off your carpet, but you can follow a few steps to help keep your carpets clean.

  • Dry your pup’s paws when he comes inside. This will prevent any dirt stuck in his paw from rubbing into the carpet.
  • Blot up spills as quickly as possible. The sooner you clean up a spill, the less likely it will turn into a stain.
  • Clean any accidents with a neutral cleaner to help remove the acidity of your pet’s urine.

No matter how careful you are, all dogs make messes or have accidents sooner or later. We all make some compromises when we share our home with a dog. With precautions, you don’t have to compromise flooring. Your family can enjoy the comfort of a soft carpet, and your dog can come in and enjoy family time, worry-free.