Helping Your Dog Lose Weight

Helping Your Dog Lose Weight

It may come as a surprise, but most veterinarians will tell you – about half of our nation’s dogs are overweight. If your four-legged friend is in this group, you’ll want to start getting them back down to a healthy weight ASAP. To help Fido stay happy and healthy for years to come, here are some tips on losing those pup-pounds.

Measure Out Your Pup’s Meals

One of the easiest ways a pet parent can start to get their pup’s weight in check is by portioning out their meals. A simple measuring cup can do more wonders than you’d think. Many owners tend to either fill up the bowl or eyeball the correct amount. What’s even worse is when you create a buffet-type feeding routine for Fido by keeping their container full all day long. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, feeding as little as ten extra kibble pieces a day can cause your pup to gain an additional pound every year. So once you figure out how many calories your canine companion needs to consume depending on their size and exercise level, measure that amount out instead of just guessing.

Easy On the Treats

Rewarding your furry friend with a treat here and there is perfectly fine, especially if it’s for the right reasons. But if you have a dog that needs to shed a few pounds, you want to make sure you’re not feeding them junk food treats that will jeopardize their progress. Many popular treats you’ll come across at the pet store are loaded with sugars and fats – because of this, you’ll want to be sure you’re snagging Fido some goodies that are sugar-free and use ingredients such as sweet potatoes, salmon, or blueberries. Another great option is to opt for the 2-for-1 treats that also promote dental health. Still, keep in mind what was mentioned above – you need to be counting those calories and staying within your four-legged friend’s healthy weight range. Giving your pooch even 30 extra calories a day could cause them to gain up to 3 pounds in as short as a year.

A bonus fun and healthy option to consider is making homemade dog treats. With this option, you’ll know exactly what’s going into every treat. There are recipes out there as simple as homemade jerky treats to fancy biscuits – your possibilities here are endless.

Introduce Fido to Fruits and Veggies

Speaking of treats, you could always reward Fido with a healthy snack. Before you go to the store, though, you should know exactly which fruits and veggies are safe for your pup because not all of them are.

You Want to Steer Clear of:

  • Cherries
  • Grapes & Raisins
  • Citrus Fruits (Limes, Lemons, Grapefruits, etc.)
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Mushrooms
  • Rhubarb

Treat Your Pooch to:

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Green Beans
  • Spinach
  • Sweet Potatoes

If your dog is overweight remember though that many fruits tend to be full of sugar, so vegetables are going to be your safest bet.

Don’t Ditch the Daily Exercise

A huge part of keeping your furry friend in shape is ensuring they’re receiving the proper amount of exercise. A healthy and long life for both you and your pooch starts with daily exercise, and your furry friend is the no-excuse solution to getting that done. For most dogs, a 20 to 30-minute long walk will boost their immune functions in no time. On top of that, Fido will also have improved cardiovascular health and reduced behavioral problems.

If your furry friend needs to lose some weight, it’s your duty as their pet parent to help them. If you find you’re doing everything right (exercising daily, counting calories correctly). Yet, your canine companion still seems to be overweight, you’ll want to bring it to your vet’s attention, just in case there’s a different issue.