Is My Family Ready for a Dog?

Is My Family Ready for a Dog?

Adding a furry friend to your family can be a fantastic decision that brings even more love and joy into your household. But in all the excitement of getting a canine companion, you can’t forget how much of a responsibility they are. Before going to a shelter a bringing home a dog to your family, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself.

How is Your Child Around Animals?

Not all children are ready for a pet; some may be scared of animals at their age – or don’t understand the guidelines of respect a canine must be shown. To see how your child is around animals, bring them to a shelter and have them spend time with some of the furry friends there. Introducing your child to dogs in a calm and controlled environment will hopefully help the experience be a positive one for them.

Also consider having them meet calm, senior dogs – instead of energetic puppies. A furball with far too much energy could easily overwhelm a child and not give them a chance to slowly interact at their own pace.

Some children may not see the difference between a toy and a dog, and if not taught the difference, they may tug or hit the dog – not at all understanding the consequences of their actions. Just because your child may way to interact with an animal, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re ready to. You must stress beforehand that you have to be gentle with dogs, and they are not stuffed animals or toys.

Can Your Child Handle Household Chores?

Being able to complete household chores, especially without reminders, is an excellent indication that your child may be able to handle the responsibility that a dog requires. No matter how ready you think your child is for this responsibility, you have to be prepared for them to not follow through on their duties. If you do end up adding a canine to your family, you’ll want to routinely check on your child and be sure they’re completing the responsibilities they signed up for.

Is Your Whole Family on Board?

When considering adopting a dog, the whole family has to be on board. If anyone in your home is allergic or against the idea – you have to respect that to ensure you’re bringing a dog into a welcoming household.

Is Your Family Truly Ready for this Commitment?

Make sure your family is truly committed to the idea of getting a dog, and that it isn’t just a fad that will pass in a month or two. The adults in the family have to be the ones who want and are able to assume the responsibility a dog requires, with children having roles of participation. You can’t expect a child to be the primary caregiver for a pet, even if they’ve shown on every level they’re ready for a pet. If you aren’t prepared for a canine, then it’s not the right time to bring one into the home.

Adding a furry friend to your family can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Still, you have to ensure it’s something that everyone wants and is ready for before you commit to anything.