Why Dogs Want to Lick You

Why Dogs Want to Lick You

We love our dogs’ slobbery kisses, but sometimes we wonder why it seems like they just can’t stop licking us. Is it out of pure affection or some other instinctive tendency? We have all of the answers to your questions about your dog’s licking. Read on to learn more about why your dog is licking you and what it means.

Natural Instinct

Prior animal studies have shown that dogs lick each other during grooming and other social interactions as a part of their social rituals. Licking becomes a part of their relationships with other dogs and is similar to how we reach out and touch or comfort our friends and family. It’s also an instinctive way for dogs to explore their environments. While licking can get annoying, we can’t blame dogs for following there natural instincts!


Dogs love getting our attention, and they know exactly how to do it! After all, your dog licking your face or hand is pretty difficult to ignore. They’ve learned to associate licking with your attention, so the behavior may increase Licking could mean your dog wants food, needs to relieve themselves, or just wants to snuggle. Whatever they’re signaling, licking is your dog’s tender and gentle way of getting your attention and letting you know that they care at the same time.


Your dog’s licking may also serve as their unique way of playing with you. Rather than using their teeth to playfully nip you, your pup may substitute their tongue. This depends on the dog, but is common among meeker dogs who still want to play without the rough-and-tumble tug-of-war and wrestling games that other dogs may enjoy. You should feel lucky if your dog prefers licking to biting or growling!

Extreme Licking

Most dogs don’t actually engage in extreme licking, although owners’ perceptions of dog licking may suggest otherwise. If it seems like your dog can’t stop licking you, try talking to your fellow dog owners and see if how the frequency of their dogs’ licking compares to your own little rascal’s. If your dog does seem to lick you more often than other dogs seem to, dog trainers can train them out of the behavior. However, your dog probably isn’t licking you anymore than the average pooch!

If it seems like your dog can’t stop licking you, reach out to your veterinarian and ask them about what their excessive licking could mean. Otherwise, it’s probably just an instinctive way for your dog to show you that they love you. Can’t complain about that!