Portland Undy RunWalk

Portland Undy RunWalk

Mark your calendars! Portland Undy RunWalk is a dog-friendly event taking place from 7:30 AM – 10:00 AM on June 15 in Portland’s own Wilammette Park.

As the name suggests, the National Undy RunWalk is a chance to run or walk in your underwear! The event was started by the Colorectal Cancer Alliance to provide support for patients, survivors, families, and caregivers. Proceeds also help raise awareness of preventative measures and encourage funding for critical research.

You can register for the event online or contact 202-628-0123 or undy@ccalliance.org for more information. Registering for the event means you get a pair of 2019 boxer shorts, a survivor t-shirt and medal if you’re a survivor, and access to the event’s online fundraising platform.

This fun event is a great way to give back to your community and enjoy yourself while doing so! Bring your furry friend out to Portland Undy RunWalk to inspire some change in your community!