Brain Games for Your Dog

Brain Games for Your Dog

When most people hear of dog training, they think of sit and stay commands and jumping over obstacles. However, arguably more important than physical dog training is mental training. To keep your dog sharp, it’s important that you work on training their mind as well as their body. Here are some brain games that we recommend to keep your dog on top of their game.

Switch Your Walking Route

Walks are a great way to get physical and mental exercise. Your dog will burn some calories and work their muscles but they’ll also be able to sniff around their environment and explore. Switching your walking route will allow your dog to discover new areas and make new friends, all of which is great for creating new neural pathways and making sure that there is some variety in your dog’s routines. A little change is good for all of us!

Play “Hot and Cold”

Hot and cold is a classic twist on hide-and-go-seek that you and your dog will both love. You simply hide a treat or toy and encourage your dog to go fetch it. As they get closer to the treat or toy, they’re “hotter,” so you give them more encouragement in the form of verbal praise or treats. As they get further away, they’re “colder,” so you give them less encouragement. Your dog will quickly get the hang of it and they’ll find the hidden prize in no time.

Try a Puzzle Toy

Dogs may never be able to do a jigsaw puzzle with us, but there are plenty of puzzle games designed for dogs to play. A favorite among pet owners is the hide and seek log and chipmunks toy, which hides plush chipmunks within a log so your dog can sniff them out and find them inside. Your dog will love being rewarded for their hard work, and this toy allows you to sit back and relax while your dog sharpens their mind.

Give Your Dog a Kong

You could give your dog a bone, but the next best thing in dog toys are Kongs. You can stuff the Kong with peanut butter or your dog’s favorite treats, and they have to work to get the treats out of the toy. It’ll take your curious pup some time to get all of the treats out, so they’ll love the challenge. Plus, they’ll be busy gnawing on the Kong while you cook, watch TV, or just need some quiet.

Keeping your dog’s brain sharp is an important part of your role as a pet parent. Try our tips to ensure that your dog is getting the mental exercise that they need!