Does My Dog Need Rain Boots?

Does My Dog Need Rain Boots?

Dog owners are buying more and more gear for their furry friends, so how can you know what is worth buying and what isn’t? It depends on you and your dog’s preferences. However, when it comes to doggie footwear, rain boots could serve a greater purpose than you may think. Check out our tips for deciding whether to get rain boots for your dog.

Minimize the Mess

As all dog owners know, dogs can track in plenty of dust, dirt, and mud, especially when the weather gets gross. Rainy days are the perfect conditions for your dog to track mud all over the house, but rain boots can help protect their paws from the mud and help you leave the mud in the mud room. You’ll also minimize the paw stink that can result from your dog jumping around in mud all day. Sounds like a win-win to us!

Reduce Chances of Injury and Infection

With rain and mud comes a lower visibility when it comes to rocks and sharp objects that can slice up your dog’s paws. They could easily accidentally step on something sharp and end up with an open cut, and if their cut is exposed to dirt and grime, their paw could become infected. Wearing rain boots could prevent their paws from becoming injured or infected, so they can be a smart thing to have for rainy days.

Increase Warmth

On cold, rainy days, it can get pretty cold out there. Like us, heat from our dogs’ bodies escapes from their paws, so keeping them dry and warm becomes even more important when it’s chilly outside. Doggie rain boots are the perfect solution to keep your dog’s sensitive paws dry and safe from the chilled air. This will help them stay healthy and active even when the temperature drops.

Doggie rain boots have plenty of benefits, but they’re not for everyone. If your dog is older, younger, or on the thinner side, they may especially benefit from a pair of rain boots. Consider picking up a pair for your pooch!