Reasons to Consider a Dog-Friendly Hotel for the Holidays

Reasons to Consider a Dog-Friendly Hotel for the Holidays

Going home for the holidays can be a great time full of fun, family, and festivities. But if you’re a dog owner, you probably know traveling with your pooch is easier said than done. This holiday season, to help both you and Fido stay sane, consider staying at a dog-friendly hotel.

Dinner Time Disaster

During the festive season, an abundance of food is usually a given. Snacks, appetizers, dinner, and dessert are continually being passed around. With a dog in the house during all of this hustle and bustle, it can be hard to keep an eye on Fido and ensure they aren’t sneaking a treat here and there. To make matters worse, some holiday food is toxic to your canine companion and can make them terribly sick. Leaving your pooch in your hotel room for the holiday party will prevent your furry friend from snagging any leftovers, and will allow you to treat them to a meal of their own when you get back.

Not Everyone’s a Dog Person

With an array of your family in town, there’s a high chance you’ll have a few people that won’t be comfortable with a dog around. Some people are allergic, others may have small children that are scared of canines, and some people just aren’t “dog people,” we know it’s shocking. The host of your family’s holiday party may also not have a home that accommodates dogs – or they do have pets, but they’re not very sociable with other furry friends. None of this is your obediently-trained pup’s fault, but it still means you’ll need to get a hotel if you want to bring them along.

Festive Decor Can Be Deadly

Holiday decorations can be beautiful and fun, but also extremely dangerous if not made dog-safe. Especially if you’re going to a home that doesn’t own a dog, they won’t be very conscious of the problems a pooch can easily create when it comes to snout level chocolate, glass ornaments that may look tasty to a canine, or wreaths made with holly (that is toxic to dogs).

Give Fido Somewhere to Unwind

If you do decide to bring your canine companion along to your festive family activities, realize this can quickly become overwhelming for your pup. A variety of different people coming in and out, and probably dozens of them wanting to pet your pooch. With a well-trained obedient dog, this won’t be a problem – but just like all that socializing can be exhausting for you, it can be just as tiring for your four-legged friend. Staying in a dog-friendly hotel can be just what Fido needs to relax and recharge for the next day.

Your Furry Friend is a Perfect Excuse

Let’s be honest; sometimes, you want to stay in a hotel for the holidays. You love your family, but having some personal “me-time” can be necessary at times. So what better way to let your family know you’re staying at a hotel without hurting their feelings than by using your canine companion as an excuse.

The holidays can be a magical time, just ensure everyone – including your furry friend is enjoying them. If that means booking a hotel for you and your canine, then so be it – you may end up enjoying more than you thought, or this has been the excuse you’ve been looking for all along.