Black Spots on Dog's Tongue?

Black Spots on Dog’s Tongue?

As dog owners, you notice even the slightest differences in your pup and become concerned. Newer owners are especially known to over-worry, but this is normal.

Today we’re going to take a look at your dog’s tongue so you can understand what you see and why their tongue looks that way.

What are the Black Spots on My Dog’s Tongue?

These spots are usually no different than a mole or freckle on your skin. They usually occur because of a skin discoloration. These spots can show up anywhere including paw pads, legs beneath the fur, and the tongue. In most cases, tongue spots are no different to human birthmarks.

Can the Spots Hurt My Dog?

There is no reason that they would hurt. These spots are normal for dog’s as mentioned.

Do All Dog’s Have Tongues with Black Spots?

Many do, but not all. Some dogs have naturally black tongues, such as Chow Chows. Whether your dog has a spotted tongue, pink tongue, or black tongue, as long as it’s not causing them any pain and your vet says they’re fine, you shouldn’t be concerned.

When to be Concerned

Whether the spots just developed or they have been there the entire time, your dog will be fine. Black spots are normal 99.9% of the time. You should be worried only if they appear inflamed or your dog seems in pain.

These spots will be red or appear white, and look painful. They may be flat or look like lumps, and these are not natural, they are caused by a medical issue and need to be treated. This medical issue could be ulcers, which will be any easy issue to fix. Always consult your vet before self-diagnosis.

Black Spots on tongues are extremely normal for dogs, just make sure you’re paying attention to when they become inflamed.