How to Best Clean Your Dog After the Beach

Though the holidays are quickly approaching, it is always a great time for a beach trip in San Gabriel Valley! We all know the sandy mess we have to deal with after a fun day at the beach. So, read below to learn how to best clean your dog after having some sandy fun!

1. Rinse

First, rinse your pal with a hose before entering the house. This will help to remove built-up sand and anything else stuck in your companion’s hair. Removing sand and salt water is important because both of these can irritate your furry friend’s skin. Then, quickly pat your pal dry to prevent puddles in the house and to loosen any sand that is remaining.

2. Bath

Next, it’s time for a bath! Be sure to lather the shampoo down to the skin. This will also help to loosen any remaining sand. You can also use a bath brush to help scrub your pup’s coat and remove sand, dead skin, and shedding fur.

3. Towel Dry

Towel dry your pal again. This will continue to loosen any leftover sand. Also, be sure to fully dry your companion before brushing them. Skipping this step will cause damage to your pup’s fur! If the fur is wet when brushing, it will tangle and break. Also, any remaining sand is easier to remove from dry fur.

4. Brush

Next, use a high-quality brush to remove the coat’s tangles and remaining sand. Here is a guide to choosing a brush to suit your pup.

5. Repeat

Removing the sand from your dog’s coat may take a few rounds of bathing and brushing. If you do need to repeat bathing, don’t use shampoo or soap every time. This will avoid drying out and irritating your companion’s skin. Or, you can repetitively brush your furry friend to remove the rest of the sand.

Before heading to the beach, be sure to get your companion a fresh haircut to minimize the amount of sand their coat will collect and save you some cleaning time. Now get out there and have some fun!