Does My Dog Drink Enough Water?

Does My Dog Drink Enough Water?

Did you know we are supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day? But what about our pups? We see them go take a sip every now and then, but how much water should they be drinking daily? We have the answers for you. As the leading dog trainers in the Denver area we are able to provide insights and help with a variety of issues with your dog. If you are looking for help training your dog, visit our contact page.

To encourage hydration, check the basics first. Make sure your dog is always supplied with clean water. Follow these tips to ensure your pup stays hydrated:

  • Replace your pet’s water every day. Just like you, your dog needs access to lots of fresh water.
  • Leave bowls in a cool area. Your dog is less likely to drink out of a warm bowl that has been sitting in the sun.
  • Keep an eye out for any debris that may land in your pet’s bowl. It’s easy for hair and bits of kibble to contaminate their water and make it unappetizing.

Providing water on the go is also very important. If you’re going for a long walk, dog park visit, or hike, pack extra water for your dog. Even if your outing is a short one, bring some water if it’s too hot outside. Rule of thumb: If you think you’ll need water during the outing, your dog most likely does too.

How Much Water Do Dogs Need?

Dogs should drink about an ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. If your pup is really active, he may need more.

Owning a collapsable dog bowl that you can bring with you on the go is a key item in helping your dog stay hydrated. Read our article about elevated bowls.

What Are The Signs of Dog Dehydration?

It’s important to know the signs that your pet hasn’t had enough to drink. To tell if he is dehydrated, check the following:

  • They’re not themselves. A dehydrated dog won’t seem like themselves, and may pace or drool.
  • They’re looking for water. If your dog is thirsty, they’ll be searching frantically for something to drink.
  • Their gums are pale and dry. Pale, dry gums are a reliable symptom of dehydration.
  • You’ve checked their scruff. Take your dog’s scruff (the loose skin over their shoulders) and lift it away from their back. If your dog is dehydrated, the skin will take a long time to settle back down. If your furry friend is hydrated, their skin will snap back immediately.

We hope this information will help you keep your furry friend hydrated! If you have any suggestions or tips on how you keep your dog hydrated, we would love to hear from you! Visit our contact page to get started.