Summer Health Tips for Your Dog

Lakewood Dog Training: Summer Health TipsHas your pup put on a few extra pounds? Perhaps the vet has recommended a weight loss regime? If so, it’s your job as a pet parent to help your pup gain control of their health. Carrying extra weight can be detrimental to your pup’s mental and physical health. Still not convinced?  Carrying even just a few extra pounds can shorten your dog’s lifespan. Enough said!

At Sit Means Sit South Denver, we proudly offer one on one and group Lakewood dog training classes. We are committed to helping our clients and their pup’s live their very best lives together and we believe that maintaining an active lifestyle is an important component. We hear from pet owners all the time who are looking for advice on how to help their dogs get healthy. This is precisely why we’re devoting today’s post to summer health tips.

Get Active!

The first step in any weight loss regime is getting off the couch. Chances are, if your dog is carrying some extra weight, you are too. It’s important for your health, as well as your pup’s, to exercise regularly. Find an activity you both enjoy. From hiking to jogging, you have so many options, particularly during Colorado summers. Make a point to schedule at least some exercise every day and make sure that 3-5 times a week, you’re allowing for a full hour of activity. You will both feel the benefits immediately and your bond with grow as a result.

Change up Your Diet

The second critical component of a weight loss routine is diet. Don’t look at this as a short-term fix, find something you can stick to. Ask your vet for a recommendation on dog food and stop feeding your pup table scraps. You too can make sustainable adjustments to your diet, so you can lose weight right alongside your best friend.

Set a Goal

Also chat with your vet about your dog’s ideal weight. Their healthiest weight will depend upon age, breed and several other factors. Set a goal to help your pup reach this weight and monitor their progress along the way. Before you know it, you’ll both be looking and feeling your best.

Schedule Your Free Lakewood Dog Training Consultation Today!

Are you ready to learn how we help our clients raise happy, healthy, confident and obedient dogs? Schedule your free, no-obligation consultation and discover how we can help you do just that. While you’re here, be sure and connect with us on our social media channels: Facebook, Twitter & Google+.