Celebrate New Years with Dogs

Celebrate New Years with Your Dog

Parties and New Years Eve festivities can be overwhelming, for you and your dog. Making elaborate plans can be frustrating and sometimes expensive, so having a simple night in may be a better bet. If you’re opting to stay in this New Years Eve, there is still plenty you can do, especially with your dog. From training to playing, here are a few ideas for a fun filled evening with you and your furry friend.

Try Some New Training

New Years Eve is a great time to make some resolutions for your dog – and get started on them! If you’ve been wanting to teach your dog some new tricks and elevate their abilities. Look up some new and interesting tricks that may be entertaining to try out. Your pup will love getting to spend some quality time with you and teaching your dog new skills will strengthen your bond.

If you want to try something other than tricks, agility training is another great way to keep your dog smart. If you have the space in your home, try setting up some simple indoor agility courses for your dog to test out and practice. If you have a tunnel or agility polls or even a hoop, your dog can work on their skills and improve their agility. Be sure to have enough space that it is safe and that your dog can move freely. If that doesn’t sound like it will work in your home, you can also try nose work exercises. Nose work is great way to keep your dog sharp but also get them exercise indoors. Start with the basics and then move on to more challenging tasks, like searching for food in hidden spaces.

Host a NYE Dog Party

If you have a group of friends who all have dogs, another great idea for New Years Eve is to host a dog party. It doesn’t have to be too complicated to plan. Invite your friends and their pups over and set up some fun games – you can even ask everyone to bring a couple toys or doggie games. The dogs can enjoy playing and socializing while you and your friends chat. If you want to make the dogs a few simple treats, look up some homemade recipes. There a plenty of festive treats that all the dogs would love the snack on.

Create Your 2019 Calendar

New Years Eve is the time to ring in the new year, which means you need a calendar. Set up some different backdrops and start snapping some photos of your dog. Head over to Pinterest and look at some of the clever photos people have taken of their dogs. You can add some props and have a different theme for each month. After you take your pictures you can create your calendar and print it using online templates. Not only will you love having these great pictures to look at throughout the year, but you can also share it with family and friends who will love to have the memories as well. We also have some tips for starting your new year off right with your pup. 

With these ideas, you’re sure to have an exciting and fun New Years Eve at home. Have a happy holidays and a wonderful New Year.