Preparing for Cold Weather with Your Dog in Denver

Preparing for Cold Weather with Your Dog in Denver

If your dog spends much time outdoors during the winter months be on the lookout for frostbite on sensitive, exposed areas, like ears and tails. The general rule of thumb is; if you wouldn’t stay out for long in the bad weather, your dog probably shouldn’t either.

During the winter outdoor dogs can need up to thirty percent more food to provide the extra energy to maintain their body heat.

Winter Dog Safety

Walks in the snow can be fun, but always be mindful of your pup’s paws. Salt and de-icing chemicals can burn and irritate paw pads. It’s important to clean their paws and check for cracks and abrasions after each outdoor excursion. Some dogs benefit from dog booties. Booties can improve traction for dogs on icy surfaces as well as provide protection from the cold and harmful chemicals on the road.

Warm dog clothing is a good idea for dogs of all ages and sizes that are used to being indoors and may not tolerate extreme temperatures. Did you know dogs’ arthritis and joint pain can worsen in the winter? A warm sweater can help ease stiff joints and keep your pooch cozy.

If you take walks at night or in the early morning, you can buy dog gear with reflective markings. Reflective gear is helpful when the days are short and visibility is poor. You can never be too careful!

Do you have any winter safety tips for dogs? We would love to hear from you! Make sure to read our article about winter activities to do with your dog.