Denver dog training: Why Do Dogs Eat Grass

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

Denver dog training: Why Do Dogs Eat GrassDo you notice your dog eating grass from time to time? If this is a behavior that leaves you puzzled and, at times, concerned, you’re not alone. We often hear from dog owners who are worried that eating grass is a sign of a bigger issue. As your go-to Denver dog training specialists, we’re always happy to shed light on questions regarding the health and safety of man’s best friend. Let’s take a closer look at this behavior and what it might mean.

Reasons Dogs Eat Grass

If you notice this behavior regularly, your dog may be eating grass to:

  • Add fiber or other nutrients to their diet, to make up for a nutritional deficit in their diet.
  • Sooth an upset stomach. Eating grass causes some dogs to vomit which in turn can rid the stomach of food items that may cause discomfort. While some professionals argue that dogs are incapable of making the connection between eating grass and soothing the stomach, others believe it is a real possibility.
  • Provide a distraction. This can sometimes simply be a sign of boredom
  • Indulge their appetite. It is believed that some dogs simply enjoy the taste of grass.

When Your Dog Gets Sick

If your dog is eating enough grass, on a regular basis, to cause vomiting, see your vet immediately. Talk to them about your dog’s behavior and determine if it is a sign of something more serious. Be prepared to discuss your dog’s eating habits, known allergies and daily habits.

Preventing Your Dog from Eating Grass

When you notice your pup grazing, look at is as an opportunity to redirect their attention. Throw a ball around, head to the dog park or take them for a walk. Engage with your dog and see if you can curb their appetite.

Schedule Your Free Denver Dog Training Consultation Today!

At Sit Means Sit, we are proud to be the leading providers of Denver dog training services. We work with dogs and their owners to open the lines of communication and instill obedience skills. If you are ready to learn how you can protect your dog, while improving their dog training skills, look no further! Schedule your free, no-obligation Denver dog training consultation today. Allow us to demonstrate why discerning dog owners trust us for all of their Denver dog training needs. Let’s get started today!