Have you ever wondered what your trainers have for their personal dogs?

Meet Dave’s Dogs

Nova is a 10 year old Belgian Malinois that came into Dave’s life when she was around 6 months old. Nova has been Dave’s primary business partner and helped build the business that we have today. They have been inseparable for the better part of a decade. You may remember her at shows, the state fair, or out and about. Always ready to bounce off whatever was the closest wall.
Storm is a 7 year old black lab. Storm is always ready for a back scratch and gets to enjoy the “easy” life with Dave and his family. Storm’s favorite activities include swimming, playing fetch, and sitting in the bay window watching the world go by.
Cayenne is a 2 year old Belgian Malinois. Cayenne is the newest addition to the family as Dave got her in October. Quickly taking over the bulk of the work load from Nova, she has an incredible drive, but one of the sweetest dogs. Always wanting to play, she has little regard for her own body and has been known to crash into a wall or two chasing a frisbee or ball. She’s been a terrific partner so far.