
Debra and “Marley”

“Marley” participated in a full immersion training program. Her owner, Debra, was amazed with the results!

Scott Johnson and “Sadie”

Scott and his family were not sure if they were going to keep “Sadie” because of how out of control she was. Now, after just 4 private lessons, they are confident owners and are happy to have this wonderful dog as part of their family! Great job Johnson family!

George, Kathy and “Abby”

In one of our previous videos, we showed how we were able to get “Abby” under control in just a few minutes. With their private lesson program completed, hear George and Kathy share their story and how happy they are with Sit Means Sit Dog Training – Waukesha!

Vet Recommended!

We helped Dr. Jessica Oliver train her dog, Zoie. Here is what she had to say about her experience with Sit Means Sit – Waukesha: “Before hiring Sit Means Sit, I had some significant concerns with my dog Zoie. She was exhibiting severe aggression. I was unable to alleviate the situation with any of my…

Maggie and “Daisy”

Maggie was able to gain off leash control with her dog “Daisy”. Now she can enjoy her company with no more stress.

Claire and Maximus

We helped Claire get control of her dog Maximus and gave her the life she always wanted. Hear here tell their story.