Golden Interrupts At-Home Weather Report

Golden Interrupts At-Home Weather Report

The pandemic has changed most of our lives; from working from home to social distancing, COVID-19 has presented lots of new and unique challenges for us. For instance, you might be doing more video conferences, which children and pets seem to love to star in, at times unknowingly to the presenter. Some news stations are even doing their broadcasts from their respective homes.

This was the case for FOX 13 meteorologist Paul Dellegatto in Tampa Bay, Florida. Our local hero, Golden Retriever Brody, joined Paul during his screen time, perhaps to get some head scratches. In his attempt, he bumped the computer causing the maps to freeze. Paul continues to pet him while he describes the upcoming weather forecast, ever the professional. At one point Brody yawns and Paul apologizes for keeping him up.

Brody hops down, seemingly to let his owner get back to work. A few moments later, up pops Brody’s fluffy head! Cameraman Craig was filming outside the window and the golden couldn’t see him anymore because he was hiding under a blanket to reduce the reflection while filming. Needing to find Craig, he hopped up on the windowsill to look for him, wagging his tail as he finds him again. It sounds like the pup and the cameraman are good buddies by now.

Brody returned to Paul to close out the segment (and probably to remind him that it’s time to eat). All-in-all, a weather report with no map graphics but with some Golden love isn’t bad broadcasting. In fact, we think more segments should feature four-legged friends! We hope to get some more Brody television time during the pandemic. Check out the video here!