Bonfire Safety Tips for Dogs

Bonfire Safety Tips for Dogs

As our warm days turn to nights, it’s time for some bonfire fun. Although we know to not get too close to the fire, our pets are curious and might adventure a little too close. Take these few precautionary measures to create a safe environment for you and your dog to enjoy a fire.


Eliminate risks by establishing a consistent boundary around your fire. This can be a fence similar to one that goes around a pool. The material should be wood or vinyl that can withstand the heat won’t get knocked down easily. It’s also important to keep a screen in place to keep flames and embers away from pets that wander too close.

Keep It Small

Although sometimes it’s difficult to get a fire going, once it takes hold it can have a mind of its own. Keep water and a fire extinguisher nearby in case it becomes too big for your area. Control over your fire is important when it comes to keeping prying noses or wagging tails.

Constant Supervision

Never leave a fire pit unattended, especially with children or pets around. If you decide to keep your pet on a short leash to keep him out of trouble, be sure to check on him. Dogs can get too hot when sitting too close to the fire for too long and might need a break from the heat. If you need to get up, ask a friend to keep a watchful eye on him.

24-Hour Rule

Most fires are not truly out until 24 hours after it has been extinguished. Embers and hot coals can linger long after it has been doused in water. Continue adding water until the hissing sound dies out. Once that is done, scrape the wood and fire pit itself for embers that could be hanging around.

If your dog seems uneasy around the fire, give him a safe space. Dogs are den animals, so he may just be looking for somewhere cozy to lay down. Keep water nearby in case they are anxious or hot, which will cause them to pant more than normal. If your dog seems comfortable, safe, and not too hot, relax and enjoy your bonfire with your furry friend.