False Myths About Dogs

False Myths About Dogs

They may not seem it, but dogs are mysterious creatures! We don’t always understand them as well as we may think. But what about all of those myths that somehow get passed around about dogs? We’re here to demystify some myths about dogs.

Old Dogs Can’t Learn New Tricks

This time-old saying is actually not accurate! Many senior dogs are physically capable of learning new tricks, and you should keep practicing them with your dog to keep their minds sharp. After all, they learned plenty of tricks and behaviors in their youth. With proper motivation, your dog could be an expert before you know it.

Fighting Dogs Should be Left Alone

False! However, you should never step in between dogs when they’re fighting. You never know what’s setting them off! Secondly, you should use your voice, treats, or water to lure your dog away from any fights. Try to get to the root of your dog’s willingness to fight and keep them away from that stimulus. 

Dogs Will Only Respond to Treats

Some owners think that if they train their dog with treats, their dog will always need treats as motivation. This is not true! You can definitely mix up the rewards with toys, petting, and playing, and you should! Starting with treats is a good way to motivate young pups, but as your dog gets older, try different methods. 

Allowing Your Dog on the Furniture is Bad for their Training

Sadly, many owners believe this! Your dog deserves a space to snuggle up, and it’s not the end of the world if their snuggle space happens to be your furniture. While they will get some fur on the couch, their obedience will not be affected by some couch time. Sit back, snuggle, and relax! 

Dogs are Only Happy Off-Leash

Once again, this is not true! Some free time from the leash is great for your dog’s health, but it’s not realistic all the time. Many parks require leashes, and when walking your dog in public, you should use a leash. They’ll still be just as glad for the exercise and time spent outside!

Some of these doggie myths can lead to unnecessary harsh treatment of our sweet pooches. As they say, you can’t believe everything you hear! Start spreading the word to clear up these false myths about dogs!