How Fast Can Dogs Run?

How Fast Can Dogs Run?

Whether you have raced alongside your dog or watched one run in a park, it is common knowledge that dogs can run fast. But how fast can canines really run? How fast a dog is can depend on its size, breed, and other factors. 

How Dogs Run

How fast a dog runs can depend greatly on its body composition. Although not all dogs are created equally, there are some common factors that make dogs quick on their feet.

Dog’s feet can grip and feel the ground and they have sharp nails that are great for traction. Dogs also may have a double-suspension gallop that can maximize speed and distance while running. Thanks to their flexible spines, strong legs, and good ab muscles, dogs have lots of power in their run. 

Dogs are fast runners as they have a four-time asymmetrical gait. This means that their feet fall in the order of right-front, left-front, right-back, left-back. Faster dogs might have a double-suspension gallop, where all four of their legs are lifted off the ground at the same time.

Generally, dogs can run 15-20 mph when they are venturing shorter distances. Although this is the typical speed, some dogs can run slower and others run much faster.

Faster Dogs

Some faster dogs, like Greyhounds, can run up to 45 mph which rivals the cheetah (although the cheetah does beat them). Many hounds and shepherds can also run very fast, hitting around 40 mph. It does not have to do with dog size though, as many smaller dog breeds such as boxers and terriers can also reach very fast speeds. 

These dogs all have something in common, though – deep chests, lean bodies, and proportionally long legs. Their limber bodies allow for long strides while their lungs can take in large amounts of oxygen. 

Slower Dogs

Greyhounds may be able to hit high speeds, but that is not how fast most dog breeds can run. Most dogs can hit around 19 mph or lower while running, which is much slower than some of the faster breeds. 

Some dogs are slower than others as they are simply too small. Their short legs and tiny bodies don’t let them get too far too fast. Other dogs, like pugs, have breathing issues so they are unable to run too quickly without feeling exhausted. Dog breeds like St. Bernards have such a large mass that their legs cannot keep up with their body size and weight. 

Long-Distance Dogs

Speed is relative but some dogs are able to run for very long distances and can run laps around some of the faster dogs. These endurance running breeds can run long distances at a consistent rate of around 10-15 mph. Some examples of endurance running dogs breeds are Labrador retrievers, huskies, dalmatians, and other similar-sized dogs. 

Whether your dog is faster or slower, exercise is important to their health. Run long distances, race, or even walk your dog to keep your dog healthy and happy.