Keeping Your Dog Hydrated

Keeping Your Dog Hydrated

As summer rolls in and the temperature continues to rise, it’s even more important to make sure that your dog is getting the hydration that they need to live a happy and healthy life. Dogs need water daily, but like us, the warmer the weather, the faster our dogs become dehydrated. Extreme heat can be dangerous for our dogs, so you should always be prepared with plenty of water to make sure your furry friend is staying hydrated. Continue reading for more tips on keeping your dog hydrated this summer.

Baseline Water Intake

Depending on weight and activity level, there is a baseline level of water intake that we should ensure our dogs are meeting to stay healthy:

  • Dogs that are 5-15 lbs should be drinking 1-2 cups of water per day.
  • Dogs that are 15-30 lbs should be drinking 2-4 cups of water per day.
  • Dogs that are 30-45 lbs should be drinking 4-6 cups of water per day.
  • Dogs that are 45-60 lbs should be drinking 6-8 cups of water per day.
  • Dogs that are 60-75 lbs should be drinking 6-8 cups of water per day.
  • Dogs that are 75-90+ lbs should be drinking 8-10+ cups of water per day.

Again, this is a baseline level of water intake. You should adapt your dog’s recommended quantity based on activity level, age, and vet recommendation.

What About in Hot Weather?

In hot weather, dogs need about three to four times their normal amount of water intake. While this varies depending on size and activity level, the general rule of thumb is that your dog needs about one ounce of water for each pound of their body weight per day. On days that they are more active or the weather is warmer, you should increase this to ensure that they are staying hydrated.

Signs of Doggie Dehydration

Using the above water quantities to dish out your dog’s water is an effective way to keep your dog hydrated. However, it’s important that you be able to recognize the telltale signs of a dehydrated doggo so you can take the proper steps to rehydrate them as necessary. Check these out:

  1. Lethargy
  2. Dry, sticky, pale gums
  3. Increased heart rate
  4. Loss of appetite
  5. Inelastic skin

How to Prevent Your Dog from Becoming Dehydrated

You should also follow these tips for preventing your dog from becoming dehydrated. Check them out below:

  1. Keep their water bowl clean
  2. Water down their dog food
  3. Take water with you with a portable bowl
  4. Keep an eye on their water bowl level
  5. Limit outdoor play time in extreme heat

Keeping your dog hydrated during the hot summer months is more difficult than normal, but not unreasonable. Follow these tips to make sure your dog is staying safe and healthy!