Help! My Dog Has Bad Gas

While we love our pets, we don’t always love all their smells! Nothing clears a room like a bad dog fart! Farting is a natural process for our digestive systems to process our food; however, sour gas is a noticeable change and can reveal health issues that need to be addressed. The gas-causing base can range from diet to lifestyle to health problems, so pet parents must stay in tune with Fido’s body! Utilize this article as a doggy-toot health guide!

Causes of Gas

Normal Gas

  • Normal food digestion releases hydrogen sulfide gas, causing farts
  • Swallowing air (while eating, drinking, or chewing on bones)

Bad Gas

  • High-fiber diets lead to bulk digestion, causing a gas build-up
  • Digesting beans, dairy, or cruciferous vegetables (broccoli)
  • Human food or eating out of the trash can
  • Eating acorns, leaves, or other outside materials
  • Possible food allergy or intolerance, assess ingredients and consult with your Vet.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome, something in Fido’s food, is upsetting their tummy.

Treating Bad Gas

We recommend making small diet changes to determine what ingredient is bothering your pet’s stomach. Adjusting their food can also lead to extra gas, so it’s crucial to track their digestion and consult your Veterinarian. Adding a puppy probiotic can also aid in helping clean out Fido’s gastrointestinal tract and remove any undesirable bacteria causing nasty toots. Probiotics are raved about by pet parents to eliminate awful odors from returning. Another helpful tactic is reducing air being swallowed during eating by adding a slow-feed bowl to your pet’s routine. Slow-feeders cause dogs to slow down their consumption and lessen their air intake, reducing gas within their stomach.

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