Celebrating Mardi Gras with Your Dog

Mark your calendars; Mardi Gras is brewing on Tuesday, February 21st, 2023! Whether you celebrate in New Orleans, Las Vegas, Galveston, or on your couch, this year’s goal for pet parents should be making fun Madri Gras memories with your pup! Although, pets aren’t always recommended for these large street gatherings due to massive crowding and various objects being thrown about. Unless your pet is securely leashed and timid around strangers and noise, it’s probably best to celebrate at a local pub with some friends or at home! If you plan for a home celebration, we have included ways to bring the French Quarter into your living room!

Dress Up

Find your best purple, green, and yellow outfits and make your parade for you and Fido around the home! DIY pet parents can easily cut up a yellow or green t-shirt and make a cute little outfit for their fur baby. Pet parents can prepare ahead of time and order their furry friend a special outfit for the occasion; Amazon has many options for keeping Fido comfy yet festive!

Mardi Gras Hoodie for Dogs

Mardi Gras Dog Bandana

Mardi Gras Pom Pom Collar


Traditionally, “throwing” originated at the New Orleans parades, tossing items like doubloons, beads, cups, trinkets, or toys. Watch out for bead snatchers or pets trying to eat the beads! Bring this tradition to your home by purchasing small toys, treats, and other little surprises to make your parade for Fido!

Purple, Yellow & Green Snacks

An essential aspect of a Mardi Gras celebration is good, colorful food and desserts! Pinterest has hundreds of options to make an adorable Mardi Gras spread for you to enjoy, while also some recipes for adding “Mardi Gras Mash” to your dog’s food! Look up traditional recipes, like hushpuppies or King’s Cake, or make colorful charcuterie boards of veggies for you and Fido to share.

Decorate Your Space

Amazon is indeed prepared for any celebration, especially Mardi Gras! They have many room decoration options, but our favorite is from the QZYL store for only $10, including a banner backdrop, tinsel garland, fringe curtains, and a 50-pack of balloons! With adorable decorations like this, you might invite friends and their fur babies for a big celebration!

Check out these related articles for other holiday celebration ideas with your dog!

Safety Tips for Taking Your Dog to a Parade

Celebrating the Holidays With Your Dog

Make Your Dog Your Valentine’s Date