Tips for Using Coconut Oil for Dogs

Tips for Using Coconut Oil for Dogs

Humans use coconut oil for a number of reasons like moisturizing and cooking, but what about for their dogs? Quality coconut oil is a safe and edible oil used in countless foods and cosmetics products due to its beneficial properties from fatty acids, healthy saturated fats, and triglycerides. Health benefits are nothing to shy away from either with their help with cognitive function and weight management! Coconut oil use for canines has been shown to help with easing stomach troubles, soothing skin, preventing allergen reactions, etc. So how can you use coconut oil for your pup?

Adding to Diet or Treats

Talk to your vet before starting or changing anything in your pooch’s diet. But with their go-ahead, adding coconut oil into their meals can help with managing thyroid problems (weight) and add some natural energy to their day. Coconut oil can also help with how your dog absorbs nutrients, reducing digestive disorders or inflammation as well!

Small dogs should get no more than ¼ teaspoon of coconut oil, while larger breeds may be able to use 1 teaspoon per 10 lbs of their body weight. Be sure to use an appropriate amount of coconut oil as it is high in fats so too much of it will actually have negative effects on your dog’s weight.

Coconut oil also serves as a great base if you make your dog’s treats at home! Check out these recipes for some inspiration! Mixing it with dog-friendly ingredients like turmeric or pumpkin can make a tasty and healthy treat for your furry friend.

Dogs should only be consuming organic, virgin, cold-pressed coconut oil, so make sure your dog isn’t consuming any coconut oil made just for cooking. If you notice any adverse reactions like vomiting, allergic reactions, or diarrhea, stop their use immediately and take them in for a check-up. If your veterinarian recommends your dog stay away from coconut oil, flaxseed or salmon oil can be a great alternative due to the high amounts of omega-3s!

Soothing Irritated Skin

Coconut oil is a great moisturizer for human and canine skin! You can massage it directly on their skin, especially during cold months, to prevent irritation, flaking, and chewing on dry skin. By upping your dog’s lipid levels in their skin, coconut oil can help reduce dry skin and dandruff that comes with it! Simply massage a small amount onto the affected areas and run your hands through their coat. This will leave your pup with soothed skin and shiny fur! Don’t be surprised if your dog takes to licking their coat, but remember this when you’re deciding how much coconut oil to put in their meals!

Coconut oil is also a natural tick and flea repellent, so apply before going outside, especially in wooded areas. It can also help prevent mites that love to attach to dogs.

Helps with Pill Swallowing

If your dog has a hard time swallowing pills, coating them with coconut oil may help them go down easier, and tastier! It will help coat the pill to make it more enjoyable and enticing to your stubborn dog.

Soothing Wounds or Infections

Coconut oil can be used as a natural antibiotic ointment for topical applications. Coconut oil has natural antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, making it great for soothing anything from damaged footpads or cuts! Dogs with allergies also tend to itch or chew on their skin/paws, so coconut is a great way to help ease the irritation or sores formed.

Brushing Doggie Teeth

Many humans are taking to using coconut oil (a practice referred to as oil pulling) or coconut oil-based products to clean their teeth. Canine teeth can benefit from coconut oil as well due to its antimicrobial properties, eliminating bacteria, and preventing plaque build-up! Try using a little bit with their regular toothpaste, or use it in replacement of toothpaste if your vet recommends.