Can Dogs Get Altitude Sickness?

Can Dogs Get Altitude Sickness?

Yes, dogs can get altitude sickness. While many people are aware of the signs of altitude sickness, it’s easy to miss those symptoms in our pets. Understanding how to prevent altitude sickness in dogs could be the difference between an exciting hike and a scary pet emergency.

How To Prevent Altitude Sickness in Dogs

Hydration is key! Always carry a water bowl and plenty of water with you. Every time you take a drink, give your dog one too.

Take it slow and keep your dog by your side on the trail. Keep your dog on a leash, it’s our responsibility to keep them safe. Control their speed and encourage lots of breaks.

If you live at sea level or low elevation, plan a day at 5000 or 6000 feet before going above 8000 feet. Driving from sea level to 10,000 feet and hopping out for a long hike will be hard on everyone.

You should immediately start to descend if your dog exhibits symptoms. Especially if your dog has any hypertension, cardiac issues, or respiratory problems. Altitude sickness in dogs, if ignored, will cause the brain to swell, fluid to collect in the lungs, and eventual death so it has to be taken seriously.

Symptoms of Altitude Sickness in Dogs

  • Shortness of breath
  • Racing heart
  • Lack of appetite
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Pale gums
  • Excessive tiredness/lack of coordination
  • Swelling of face or limbs
  • Fever or bloody nose
  • Drooling or panting
  • Persistent cough

It’s 0ur job as pet parents to ensure the safety of our four-legged friends. Now that you know how to prevent altitude sickness, get outside, pay close attention to your buddy, and have a good time!