Should You Let Your Dog Drink From Streams?

Should You Let Your Dog Drink From Streams?

One of the best and most popular doggie/dog owner exercises is hiking. And when hiking, you and your pup need proper hydration. You probably packed a water bottle for yourself, but what about if you forget Fido’s? Your canine companion may flock to the nearest stream to get a refresher and play in the water, but are streams safe for drinking? Depending on where the stream is and what comes in contact with it, the answer can vary. But, the shortest response is you should try to avoid your pup drinking from streams as vigilantly as you can, and here’s why:


A big concern dog parents have is bacteria. Leptospirosis is a bacteria that is spread from wildlife animals’ urine. After rain or snow, leptospirosis can concentrate in puddles and run off into bigger bodies of water. Some dogs can get sick from ingesting the bacteria, either mildly or severely. Signs of infection can include diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy, etc. But, before your furball has to be medicated due to infection, consult your veterinarian about getting a leptospirosis vaccine!


Giardia is a protozoan (a type of parasitic organism) that is found in feces in areas where different animals frequent. This parasite can be found in streams due to runoff or direct exposure to water. Dogs infected can experience vomit, diarrhea, and loss of appetite.

Fluid Pollution

Pollutants commonly found in streams are oil, gas, and antifreeze. These chemicals can be washed into streams from rainstorms and puddles. Ingesting any of these chemicals can be very dangerous to canines, especially antifreeze as it could be fatal depending on the amount and dog. Be sure to keep your furry friend far from puddles that are near vehicle trafficked areas or that could run off into the water you’re hiking by. Ingestion symptoms may be weakness, diarrhea, loss of appetite, vomiting, etc.


The best solution for a thirsty pup on the go, like on a hike, is to bring them their own collapsible bowl or travel water bottle. By doing this you’re ensuring your dog is drinking safe water and has enough hydration for their outing.

If all else fails while on a hike and you only brought a bottle for yourself, make a temporary bowl with your hand and pour out water for Fido to drink a little at a time until your pup is rehydrated. Be sure to check your dog for signs of illness if you suspect they drank from a stream!