Big Bloodhound Loves Life!

Client’s Name: Sally

Dog’s Name: “Gretchen”

City: Austin, TX 78702

Breed: Purebred Bloodhound

Likes: Gretchen loves to play ball, play with other dogs, race with a toy, chase squirrels, play with other dogs, sleep on a heating pad, run around the yard, play with other dogs, have people rub her ears and exclaim how soft they are, eat wood – like arm chairs- chair legs-table legs-anything that is finished wood, play with other dogs, tear apart anything with stuffing from China (What’s in that stuff), go shopping, go for walks, curl up and watch tv, empty wastebaskets, eat cheese (but she never cuts it), visit the vet, did I say play with other dogs?

Pet-Peeves: Gretchen does not like to stay in one place. I think she likes everything else in life!

Favorite Toy: Anything that will fit in her mouth is a toy. She loves to play fetch. Loves to play chase. She would rather do that than eat. If a toy is put up, she finds it.. (She has the nose, after all)

Favorite Treat: filet mignon, prime rib, top sirloin, rump roast, chicken (any part including livers), roast turkey, bacon, pork roast, eggs (cooked or not), the dog food Troy has, cat food, dog food. I think perhaps life is a treat!

Favorite Walk: Anywhere there is a scent. It’s her nature:)

Best Trick: Tricks??? She thinks she is a working dog… no time for tricks.

Arrival Story: We’ve had bassets in my family since 1964 and so I was looking for a basset hound. I love their ears and sweet natures, but they are so low to the ground and I’m not as flexible as I once was.

About that time I happened on a pic of a bloodhound puppy, read about them and decided that would be more practical. Sweet nature, long ears, and we could learn to scent! (I never had much luck teaching my bassets anything except come.)

Why Training / Sit Means Sit:Gretchen started out as an adorable puppy. Denis, my son, babysat her, so she was never alone and they played all day long. He taught her to fetch, to talk, rocked her in his lap and then Denis went back to work.

It wasn’t long before Darling puppy became that damn dog! Three chairs, a table, a bed, several towels, dog beds, dog jackets, and much expense later we are here. Thankfully, Gretchen is back to being the terrific dog she was meant to be, but we still have some work!

Motto: “Let’s GO and GO and GO!”