Can You Give a Dog Baby Food?

Yes, but only certain kinds! While we assume all baby food is safe since it’s intended for infants, certain ingredients can upset your pet’s tummy. Sometimes sick pets don’t have the energy to eat dry food, so switching to wet foods can be beneficial for them to get their nutrients down; However, feeding them only baby food isn’t ideal. We recommend consulting with your vet at the next check-up! Baby food should only be used sparingly, if needed, or as an occasional treat.

What kinds are dog-safe?

There are hundreds of baby food flavors, which can be pretty overwhelming at the store! We recommend high protein and low carbohydrates when looking over the options, which would be meat-based flavored meals:

While all of these are great options, if you’re doing your research, the harmful ingredients to avoid upsetting your dog’s stomach are:

  • Salt
  • Onion, Onion Powder
  • Garlic
  • Other spices

Spices in your pet’s food can cause a stir in their digestive tract and cause unpleasant surprises on your floor. It’s essential to monitor your pet after they eat baby food in case of any issues or, worst-case scenario, an allergic reaction. Moderation of the baby food is essential, too; start with a spoonful and work your way up before giving them access to an entire jar. Another tip to keep in mind, once baby food jars are opened, they must be refrigerated and will soil after 24-48 hours.

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