Summer Fruits & Veggies That Are Safe for Dogs

Summer is the perfect time for fruits and vegetables. You may love your summertime selections, but what fruits and vegetables are safe for your furry friend?

Safe Fruits:

Fruits are a hydrating and refreshing summertime treat that your companion will love! However, only feed fruits in moderation. This guideline is because high sugar contents can upset your pup’s tummy or cause hyperactivity.

  • Apples

Apples are enjoyed by many pups and can be introduced in various ways. You can serve them raw, baked, or pureed! Raw apples help to clean your pal’s teeth and freshen their breath. Apples have lots of vitamin C, vitamin A, and fiber that have numerous benefits for your four-legged friend.

  • Pears

Pears are also a great source of vitamin C, V, and fiber. Additionally, they are a sweet and delicious treat! However, only feed your companion sliced pears because the seeds harm them.

  • Oranges

Oranges contain calcium, fiber, potassium, iron, and other vitamins. However, do not feed your pup too much because the citric acid can cause some digestive upset. Additionally, it is best if you peel the orange and remove the seeds before feeding your pal small pieces.

  • Watermelon

Watermelon is a favorite for humans and dogs! It contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium. You can even freeze watermelon pieces to make it an extra cool treat. However, avoid including seeds or rinds in your pup’s summer treat.

  • Blueberries and Raspberries

Blueberries are great for improving urinary health and protecting against inflammation and cancer. Raspberries also support the immune system through antioxidants! AdditThese are a favorite fresh and frozen! Additionally, they can be given in place of training treats.

  • Peaches

Peaches provide a boost to the immune system! Like other fruits, they can be given to your pup fresh or frozen. But, you should never offer the pit to your companion.

Safe Vegetables:

Leafy green vegetables have inflammation-fighting micronutrients. Additionally, orange veggies can soothe the digestive tract.

  • Kale

Kale is high in vitamin K, vitamin C, beta carotene, and carotenoid. Your pup can eat raw kale. However, lightly cooking or steaming it and then adding it to your companion’s food is recommended if you want to reduce gas.

  • Spinach

This leafy green is also high in antioxidants, vitamins A, B, C, E, and K. However, spinach contains oxalate, which can inhibit calcium absorption. So, you should always cook spinach before feeding it to your pup.

  • Green Beans

Green beans are high in fiber and nutrients. Cooked green beans can be given as a snack. Or, if your pup is overweight, you can replace 1/4 of their food with 1/4 cup of green beans to aid in weight loss.

  • Carrots

The main benefit of carrots is improving oral health. Raw carrots clean teeth and freshen breath. This veggie is high in fiber and vitamins. However, because of the high fiber content, you should only give carrots in moderation.

Fruits & Vegetables to Avoid:

  • Tomatoes

Tomatoes are okay in moderation. However, your pup should never eat the green leaves and stem of the tomato. This portion contains solanine, which can be toxic in larger quantities.

  • Grapes/Raisins

These fruits can be toxic even in small quantities. The most significant danger is fatal kidney failure. But, this effect generally takes 48-72 hours. If your pal eats grapes or raisins, contact your vet immediately.

  • Rhubarb

Though you may love rhubarb pie, rhubarb leaves are toxic. Additionally, the high sugar content may cause an upset stomach.

  • Avocados

Avocados contain persin, which can cause diarrhea or vomiting in dogs. Persin is in avocados and its seeds, leaves, and plant bark.

  • Onions/Garlic

Fried, raw or chopped onion is dangerous for your pup. This vegetable can cause liver damage, asthma, diarrhea, vomiting, anemia, and even dermatitis. Garlic also causes anemia due to the destruction of red blood cells. Anemia can cause vomiting, breathing issues, and weakness.

Knowing what summer fruits and vegetables are safe for your pup will enhance their quality of life. Additionally, knowing what foods to avoid will help keep them happy and healthy! If you are looking for other dog-friendly summer activities, check this out!