Health & Safety

Stop! Your Dog Can’t Eat That!

The lure of supplementing your dog’s chow with fruits and vegetables from your table is strong. After all, these foods are considered healthy for human consumption, so why not also for your dog? In the alternative, you are serious about feeding your dog a nutritious chow that is formulated for its dietary needs. Yet you…

Why Is a CGC Test So Important for Your Dog?

The Canine Good Citizen (CGC) program was actually started in 1989 by the American Kennel Club (AKC). The goal is to train a dog in the kinds of behaviors that make it a well-mannered asset to any home and community. Yet it is more than that. The CGC program also enlists the animal’s caretaker in…

Deafness and Your Dog

If you whistle for your pet and he doesn’t respond, he might simply choose not to answer, he might be distracted by something even more interesting – or he might not be able to hear you.

Mental Stimulation: Why “Mind Games” Are Good for Your Dog

If you’ve always thought of “mind games” as a bad thing, you may need to rethink your opinion when it comes to dogs. Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise in maintaining your dog’s well being. Challenged dogs are happy dogs!

Protecting Your Pet from Heat Stroke

Dog Days: Protecting Your Pet from Heat Stroke

The “dog days of summer” always seem to come early here in Central Texas and heat stroke is a killer, so here are some tips from the Sit Means Sit team to help you keep Fido safe this summer: