How You Can Save Money on Your Next Vet Visit

How You Can Save Money on Your Next Vet Visit

Getting a high vet bill is less than ideal, but it’s necessary to get your pooch examined if there’s something wrong. Some medical bills can be thousands of dollars, especially if you don’t have pet insurance or your dog has chronic issues. But, is there a way to spend less at the vet’s office? Here are some tips to look into if you want to try and save some bucks while also getting your pup the best care possible.

1. Be honest with your finances.

This may be hard to be upfront about what you can and can’t afford, but it will make discussion with your veterinarian go much smoother if they know your situation. There are usually multiple treatment options and care to choose from, with knowledge of your financial state, your vet will be better able to cater their medical assistance.

2. Request an expense statement of the services before your vet provides care.

An estimation of what you will be paying at the end of the visit is much more helpful than being hit with a high bill you weren’t expecting.

3. Consider ditching unnecessary annual vaccines.

While many vaccines are necessary for your pooch and come in series, not all are essential. Consult with your veterinarian about what vaccines your dog needs (like Parvo) and what shots they may be able to opt out of.

4. Don’t avoid the benefits of preventative measures.

Neglecting preventative care can really hurt your pockets and your pup down the line. Preventative medical care can help you stay on top of keeping your dog happy and healthy for longer. Getting care for annual check-ups, dental, blood work, spaying/neutering, and general examinations for illnesses will save you tons more than putting off going to the vet until your dog is extremely ill. For example, having your furball take preventative heartworm medicine is much less expensive than having to treat an infection.

5. Watch your dog’s diet.

Overfeeding/eating is a large factor in a lot of issues that develop in canines. Keeping your dog from being overweight is easy if you make sure to proportion out meals, limit treat intake, and maintain daily activity! When your furry friend is at a healthy weight (according to their breed and size), then there is a slimmer chance of having to go get medical care.

6. Consider supplements.

Just like preventative care is beneficial, some veterinarians suggest having your dog take specific supplements to help with any predisposed conditions or deficiencies! Be sure to do research on ingredients and ask for recommendations from your vet before adding items to your dog’s diet.

7. Discover different options for paying veterinarian bills.

There are a few options available to pet owners when it comes to taking care of a medical bill. Talk to your office/clinic’s administrator about payment options or look into a credit line that is specifically made for medical needs, like CareCredit! Be sure whatever options you decide on, it’s doable for your financial situation and you don’t dig yourself into a deeper hole.

8. Invest in pet insurance for your canine companion.

Insurance for your dog may seem silly, but it actually may be more lucrative in the long run, especially if you have an accident-prone pup or a dog predisposed to illness. Be sure to read the fine print carefully to be fully aware of what the provider will cover when it comes to medical needs. Check out this list of doggie insurance companies!

9. Don’t be embarrassed to compare prices.

Just like many humans do with their medications, you can actually price match your dog’s medicine to find the best deal. Consider the pharmacy and prescription in the price, for example, Costco often has lower prices for medications and will be able to secure you a deal.

10. Explore various avenues of medical care.

It may seem simple, but a lot of dog owners tend to stick with the vet that they’ve always gone to or that’s in town. But, there may be other offices/clinics in your area that provide services at much cheaper rates. Contact your local shelter for clinic recommendations that have emergency funds, these are funds allocated to pet parents that don’t have the resources to pay for all of their dog’s bills!

It may seem embarrassing to look into ways to save money at the vet, but don’t be ashamed! Almost every dog parent is looking for a way to spend less and still get proper care for their beloved furball. Spending money at the vet means that you can afford an extra toy or two and your dog will definitely be grateful!