Signs Your Dog is Ready for a Walk

Signs Your Dog is Ready for a Walk

Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what our pup wants when they can’t actually tell us. Some dogs make it clear as day when they want to go out while others are more subtle in their signals. But there are some obvious tell signs of when your dog needs a walk ASAP.

Depending on the breed, some dogs are just naturally more shy than others! Dogs like Border Collies can be less communicative about their needs, so here’s some signs that your dog is ready for a walk.

Standing By The Front Door

Being near the front door, especially whining or pawing at the door, is a clear sign your dog needs to go out right away. This is usually a tell-all that they need to go to the bathroom and quickly! Stashing your dog’s leash and sanitary bags near the door will allow easy access in these bathroom emergencies.

Making More Noise Than Normal

Dog-owners are sure to be familiar with the somewhat whiny or nudging motions or sounds in the morning of your dog wanting you to pay attention to them. But if this is a pattern in the middle of the day, then it’s likely a sign that they need to get outside.

The biggest signal for this behavior is barking, whimpering, and whining. Be ready to get your walk on once your pooch starts pouting.


Humans and dogs are similar in that they start pacing when they’re feeling impatient, or that they need to get to the bathroom. This body language tells you your dog is likely waiting to be taken out.


Aw, your adorable pup can’t stop admiring you! While they probably do love you more than anything else, they most likely want to go for a walk and hit the bathroom if they’re uncontrollably watching you. Although, you may just have food in your hand.

Sniffing Test

When your dog starts being more curious with its nose than usual, like when sniffing the rug or carpet. This is likely a sign they are looking for a spot to potty. Sniffing can also be due to the anxiety of needing to go out and not being taken!

Uh Oh, An Accident

Now this isn’t a sign, but rather a learning lesson. Your dog probably gave you hints they needed to go outside, but you might’ve missed them. To avoid future accidents, make sure you pay attention to the random or not-so-random actions they’re doing. Training your dog to give you direct signals they need to go for a walk or getting a doggie doorbell or button system is a great way to prevent in-house accidents!