Tips for Walking Your Dog at Night

Tips for Walking Your Dog at Night

Daylight savings time has ended, aka it’s practically pitch black by 6 pm. With the days becoming shorter due to the fall & winter season it’s going to get harder to walk your pooch before sundown. Walking your dog in the dark can be nerve-wracking in some cases and unsafe in more ways than one. So to help you and your furry friend stay safe while still getting their daily exercise in – here are some helpful tips to follow.

Reflective Leashes are Your Friend

This shouldn’t even be a consideration; if you don’t have one already, you need to get Fido a reflective leash & collar. Especially if you live in an area that has a lot of traffic, this can be a lifesaver, literally. When at night walking your dog on a leash, in general, should be an absolute no brainer. Any emerging light could startle your poor pooch and make them run off in any direction. If they end up running out into the road, an oncoming car may not be able to see them in time. So play it safe, and always keep your pup on a leash, especially at night – if it’s reflective even better.

Dress Properly for the Dark

While on the topic of reflective collars, don’t forget about reflective apparel – for both you and Fido. A simple lightweight reflective vest or jacket for yourself can do wonders by keeping you visible to oncoming traffic. For your canine companion, there are plenty of different reflective vests and on the occasional chilly nights, coats – to keep them safe by staying visible.

Be Smart About Your Route of Choice

On top of gearing up for your evening walk, there are essential cautionary reminders to keep in mind. Walk against traffic if possible so you’ll always see what’s coming before it arrives – hopefully preventing some scares for both you and your pooch. Forget about headphones when walking your furry friend at night, you’ll want to be all eyes AND ears, so you’re fully aware of your surroundings. Also, always stay on the sidewalk near well-lit roads and never risk shortcuts through dark lots or alleyways. During night time walks, it’s also important to stick to familiar routes. You never want to get lost with your pooch, but you especially don’t want to get lost when it’s dark out.

Don’t Forget Your Phone!

In case of any type of emergency, you’ll want your phone on you – so never leave it at home, especially at night. Before leaving, ensure it’s charged up and you have the numbers of your emergency vet, non-emergency police, and a taxi service/or ride-sharing app (just in case). On top of all of that, a smartphone also has a built-in flashlight, navigation tools, and pet-related apps – all things that could come in handy when alone with Fido in the dark.

Walking your four-legged friend at night can be a bit scary at times, but it doesn’t have to be. If you take the necessary precautions, your nightly walks should run smoothly, and you don’t have to sacrifice your canine’s much-needed exercise.